Start That Business! How to Crush Procrastination in 5 Steps

Do you want to own a business? Have you for quite some time but have never taken the leap? Ready to stop procrastinating?

Linda Jones
4 min readFeb 26, 2017

I always run across people that have great ideas for businesses, but never start them. Oh sure, they do some research, but that’s about as far as they go. At some point, their enthusiasm peters out and they stop trying. Deep down they feel the idea isn’t worth the effort or, worse, that they don’t have what it takes to make it happen.

It breaks my heart to hear these stories. More often than not, their ideas are good ones, and I know they have what it takes to build a business. Giving up before they even give it a chance is gut wrenching.

Are you stuck in this cycle? You’ve had ideas, tons of them, but have never started any of them?

Are you fed up with quitting yet?

I’m not your mom, but I have to say, enough already! Just freaking try it. What’s the worst that can happen if you do? You might be out some time and money if that.

Starting something new doesn’t require drastic changes. It can be done slowly, starting small until it grows enough to be sustainable.

Finally take the leap and get something started this year. Heck, this month! Ditch your excuses and commit to taking one step. You will be proud of yourself for trying and may even end up a successful entrepreneur. Just try it.

**If you want a business but don’t have an idea yet, visit Business Ideas**

Here are 5 steps you can take today to stop procrastinating:

Get your business license and permits

Most people spend all their time in the research stage, endlessly learning more about their business idea. The problem is that they stay in this stage, they can’t stop procrastinating. To help get you moving in the right direction, take the leap and apply for your business license.

Getting a license (and possibly your DBA) is an inexpensive and easy step to take. For details on how to do this, visit How to Get a Business License.

Start a Website

If you put something out there the public can see, you are more likely to follow through. If there’s a chance someone can find your website, you would want to have some basic information and a contact or sales page at the very least. It will also force you to choose what you want to offer to get your business moving forward.

This step is also easy and inexpensive and only takes about half an hour. To learn your options and how to do this step, visit How to Build a Website From Scratch.

Announce Your Business

Once you start your website, tell your friends and family. They will visit and may even send others to you. They will support and encourage you in your new business. It will be harder to quit if they are watching and cheering you on.

Write a Blog

Start a blog on your new website. It can be helpful tips and tricks, how-to guides, reviews, or anything surrounding your industry. This will keep you engaged in your business on a regular basis. Also, you will begin to build an audience, which can turn quickly into customers.

Blogging will be an outlet for you to talk about your idea. You never know where that might lead.

Click here to learn How to Write Killer Content.

Join a Group

A group can be a local networking group, Facebook group, or even a class. Find one that includes people who can encourage and support you as you build your business. If there are people that can promote your business, all the better. You want to be in a community of like-minded people to encourage and guide you on your journey.

Visualize yourself a year from now with your new business up and running. What does your day look like? What type of income do you have? How do you spend your time? Picture it. Feel the emotions, smell the smells, see the colors.

Now, how does this make you feel? Do you want it? Every time you think of quitting, remember this picture then keep moving forward.

You’ve wanted a business for so long. Stop procrastinating. You owe it to yourself to try.


Choose one step you can take today and commit to doing it. None of the steps will take very long. Tomorrow, take another step. Then another. You can do this!


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Linda Jones

Business startup advocate + Designer + Author. Inspiring & helping people start a business from Idea to Launch.