Prosperity in the Media

Mark Monfort
Prosperity Advisers DnA
3 min readMar 31, 2020

With the impact of corona virus growing over the last few weeks, the interest from the media for more insights and data led to Prosperity Advisers having an opportunity to get involved in both print and television media.

It initially started out in mid-March when we we had been asked through our contact at the Australian Financial Review (Ed Tadros) to help out and investigate where new information could be gathered on the spread of the corona virus. At the time, we had created a Corona Virus tracker (LINK) and we were able to help get some data across to Ed and his team at the AFR.

It was great to see this used in a variety of online and print publications

And here is an animated version

The next day, Ed asked me to provide some details on exponential growth which the Australian data was beginning to show signs of. This led to being featured in an article on the AFR site and in it’s printed version the next day.

The aim with all this was to be able to showcase to the world that Prosperity has a new analytics capability and we are here to solve data challenges and problems that our current set of clients and potentially new clients are facing.

Because of that news article, I was also asked by reporter Chris Reason of Channel 7 to discuss exponential growth and I was lucky that he asked on a Friday where the office attire was the work branded polo. If you’re going on television to represent your company you might as well do so with the right gear on.

After a quick setup and interview with Chris the clip was shown on national news later that night at 6pm and you can catch a replay of it here (LINK)

Anyway, despite being the deliverer of not-so-great news, it has led to us being asked more about what we can do to help others in their pursuit of understanding their data better. We’ve got the tools and technology to do this so if anyone is interested in this type of thing then feel free to reach out to us.

Contact Details

Mark Monfort (Head of Data Analytics and Technology)

  • Phone: 02 8262 8700
  • Email:



Mark Monfort
Prosperity Advisers DnA

Data Analytics professional with over 10+ years experience in various industries including finance and consulting