Office to Ocean: First Year Slow Traveling Instead of Saving

Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder
15 min readJan 4, 2024


Image sourced from Canva

One year ago, at the age of 45, my partner and I quit our jobs and ventured off for a year of slow travel. Here’s a little about where we went, what it cost, how it went, and what I learned.

The Plan

Secretly squirreling away money, acquiring rental properties, downsizing and side hustling — finally the day came.

Time to activate plan “Go Try Crazy Things!”

That’s literally the name of the enormous spreadsheet where my geeky partner and dorky self tracked financial progress, built budgets, projected income — kept lists of dreams and fears.

The plan for the year was to spend about 8 months traveling around Mexico, spending 1 to 3 months in different locations. The rest of the year, we planned to be traveling the US, visiting family and friends, hiking and backpacking.

Mexico or Bust!

Image by author

A month after giving notice, we were rolling out of town with only what would fit in a sedan. Which included our geriatric dog and old, fat cat. Mexico or bust!



Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder

I write about how to have a truly prosperous life. I help people escape the cubicle, invite freedom and adventure through mastering finances. And I get lost.