Overcoming the ‘Too Late Now’ Mindset for Financial Bliss

Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder
8 min readNov 24, 2023


Image sourced from Canva

If you haven’t been living the “perfect financial life” since your first day of adulthood, it’s easy to feel like it’s too late now! “I’m doomed, so why bother.” The pressure is real — we are bombarded with messages about how much we should have saved, how much we need to earn, and essentially told that we’re doing everything wrong.

I know that’s how I felt over a decade ago, when I was sitting in a cubicle, anxious to find an escape. In my mid-30’s, I felt too old to salvage the dumpster fire of a financial situation I had created. But luckily, I was desperate enough that I decided to do something dumb… I tried.

I learned that if you embrace the mantra, don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good, that change is not only possible but can be extremely powerful, at any age. Here’s my tips for overcoming the “it’s too late” mindset, and a little bit about my personal story, for those who like that sort of thing.

Realize You’re ALWAYS Old

The truth is, no matter your age, you’re going to feel like you’re old. After all, you’re the oldest you’ve ever been on any given day, right? I remember hitting my mid-20s and thinking I should have life figured out by now! In my mid 30’s, wow….I really felt old then! How could I be THIS old and not have saved for…



Get Lost Blue
Prosperity Pathfinder

I write about how to have a truly prosperous life. I help people escape the cubicle, invite freedom and adventure through mastering finances. And I get lost.