27 Lessons for Living a Rich Life…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
4 min readApr 15, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / April 15, 2021

(A Letter to My Younger Self…)

Do you remember your childhood as a time of joy, curiosity, and love? Hopefully you do, but I sure don’t. As an effeminate boy with social anxiety issues, my early childhood was filled with anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. I had bad teeth, a big nose, and was a gangly, awkward bookworm. As a teenager I turned to drugs and alcohol and ended up in a jail cell for armed robbery at 15 years old. My formative years were spent shunned as an outsider, ostracized as a faggot, and demonized as a delinquent.

But that’s not how things turned out…

I was blessed with someone who saw greatness in me before I could see it myself, a mom who never gave up, and a public defender and judge who believed in second chances. If only I had known how things were going to work out — I could have saved myself a lot of trauma, drama, and anguish.

What I didn’t know then was that each obstacle, setback, and defeat would serve as stepping-stones. Most people believe that the opposite of success is failure, but that’s a lie. Failure is actually part of the success process, as it forces you to learn, grow, modify, adapt, and learn new skills.

Provided you refuse to give up, you learn and grow, discover buried talents, develop new skills, and cultivate latent courage. If I could go back and talk to my younger self, I would share the following 27 life lessons with him. But since I can’t do that, allow me to share them with you. (Feel free to print out, bookmark this page, and share with your world.)

If your dream is big enough and worthy enough, you will usually find a way to make it come true. Not all dreams are meant to come true, however. Some exist simply to challenge you into becoming a higher version of yourself.

The easiest person to sell a limiting belief to is yourself. Stop buying them.

When you share your talents and gifts they expand and grow stronger. You can’t out-give the universe. But try anyway.

Debt is a prison. Find a way to break out.

The strategy that got you here is usually the biggest obstacle to getting you to the next level. Sell some of your certainty and buy some curiosity.

You can change without growing. But you can’t grow without changing.

If you play fucked up games, you win fucked up prizes. The only way to win the rat race is by becoming a rat.

You don’t create your future. You create your daily habits, and those daily habits are what actually create your future.

You either hate change enough to stay mediocre, or you hate being mediocre enough to change.

If you want to live better, you have to be willing to get better. Success never goes on sale, be willing to pay the market price.

Struggle seems like it’s a barricade to your success, but most of the time it’s a bridge.

You can’t stop transformation; it’s a continuous, incremental process. You must mindfully choose the forward direction or entropy will unmindfully choose the backward direction.

The biggest contributor to your health, happiness and success is the power of mind. Your life will reflect your thoughts. Make them prosperous and your life will be too.

No one ever had a breakthrough in their comfort zone. To discover your true potential, you have to first identify your limit. Then go past it.

Bills are invoices for blessings you’ve already received. Pay them with gratitude and circulate prosperity.

What you have done and who you have been, doesn’t have to preclude you, from what you can do and who you can become.

You’re only going to get today once. Make it count.

If you believe something is impossible to fail, your probability of success goes up exponentially.

All of the true elements of prosperity — wellness, love, happiness, and yes, money — are infinite.

The change you fight the hardest — is usually the breakthrough you need the most.

If you desire to embolden yourself, associate with bold people. Surround yourself with people who dream bigger than you do.

If you want people to feel sorry for you, you will continually manifest situations that foster that. To become a victor, you nave to release being a victim.

When you eliminate negative people from your life, negative things happen to you a lot less.

Announcing your dream will recruit the people who believe in you and will help. And expose the ones who won’t.

We’re all forced take detours sometimes. Just don’t let them turn into the destination.

Challenges are a mandatory part of life. Being a victim is optional.

The only thing more expensive than the cost of living your dream, is the cost of not living it.


- RG

P.S. If you find these lessons helpful, please put the “share” buttons below to good use.

Previous post: Will the Meme Masters Rule the Universe?

Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on April 15, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/