
Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
1 min readFeb 27, 2019

Affirmation for a Prosperous Day

Home | Blog | Affirmation for a Prosperous Day

By Randy Gage in Success, Prosperity.

After two days, mostly spent lying on the floor in excruciating back pain, I need a positive affirmation for a new day today. And just in case you do as well, let me share mine with you. (You may want to bookmark this page so you can return here when needed. I suggest you speak it out loud to impress it upon your subconscious mine even stronger.)

Living in the moment, I release the past and co-create my present reality. Smile and breathe in the pure joy of being alive.

I am open to the wonder of today and approach it with energy, excitement, and an expectation of greatness. I claim the prosperity, harmony and love that are my birthright.

I consciously choose to be blessed and be a blessing. Divine order and right outcomes will appear at the perfect time, in the perfect way.

Peace surrounds me.

– RG

Tags: abundance, Success, happiness, health, affirmations, prosperity, prosperity affirmation

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Originally published at on February 27, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.