Are You Denying Your Greatness?

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readNov 10, 2019

by Randy Gage

Last week in my Friday Filosophy newsletter I raised the issue of denying your greatness. This is an issue that I am over-qualified to teach, because I overlooked my own potential for so many years.

It’s a safe bet you did — or are still doing — the same.

I’ve done amazing things. Just wrote the very last word of my 13 thbook and sent it off to my editor. Each of the first 12 have been bestsellers. I’ve accomplished lots of stuff at very high levels, even in three different Halls of Fame. And I can tell you I’ve been thinking small. Miniscule. Holding myself back by denying the extraordinary greatness I can really do, have, and become.

And I bet you have done the same…

The Miami Dolphins haven’t been able to find a reliable starting quarterback since Dan Marino retired. That was 19 years ago. But there are 150 guys (and honestly, probably more than a few gals) floating around who could do the job magnificently. The problem is they’ve never picked up a football.

There are at least 100 people alive today who could cure the deadly diseases we face. But they’ve talked themselves out of being a scientist because they don’t think they’re qualified. There are people taking community college courses who should be teaching Ph.D. ones. There are women serving as assistants to company presidents, who should really have the title themselves.

What is holding these people back isn’t fear of failure but fear of success. They are infected with self-doubt, limiting beliefs and worthiness issues they were probably programed (brainwashed) with before they were 10 years old. This denial they exhibit is the denial of their true potential. Denial that they are really capable of doing great things.

Every person on earth possesses mad genius in some area or another. A gift, unique to them, that needs to be shared with the world.

You’ve probably already figured out where I’m going with this…

What greatness you are denying yourself from achieving? Denying yourself by thinking small, keeping your head below the cubicle, or playing “safe.” Let’s see how serious you are about changing it…

If you really are serious, I challenge you to scroll down to the comments below and post something. Write out what you have been denying about yourself — and what you’re going to do about it. Go public with a commitment to achieve it, where everyone can see.

This does two things: First it forces you to confront your self-sabotage. And two, it allows the community here to support you in your efforts to breakthrough and achieve your greatness. You up for that?


- RG

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Originally published at on November 10, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.