Celebrating Sex and Sexuality

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
4 min readJan 9, 2020

by Randy Gage

This is a series of posts studying the six most important categories of core beliefs in terms of the self-esteem you develop and how happy and successful you ultimately become. So far, we have looked into the categories of beliefs about Money/Success, Marriage/Relationships, and we began Sex/Sexuality. Last post you discovered some of the crazy and misguided mind viruses about sex. Now, let’s look at some ways to reframe the discussion and develop healthy, empowering, and prosperous beliefs about sex and sexuality…

Start with losing all negative judgment that may have become ingrained in your subconscious mind. Bring them up to the surface and replace them, just as you would exchange on old coat that no longer fits you.

As you now know, there are males, females, males inhabiting female bodies, females inhabiting male bodies, intersex, and non-binary people who don’t identify with any of the conventional labels. We are all equal, all normal, and all humans who deserve respect, acceptance, and human rights. There is no need to fear or judge those different than you. View them with a respectful state of curiosity, similar to what you might experience if you meet an Eskimo, Buddhist monk, or snake charmer for the first time.

If you have questions about your gender, relax and enjoy the discovery process. There are many more resources available to you today than ever before. Also, very importantly, please forgive your parents, medical providers, or others who may have made your original gender determination. They really were doing the best they could in the environment and ignorance that existed at that time, and may have been unaware of your actual situation.

Likewise, if you suspect you might be homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, trans, or asexual — allow yourself time and permission for exploration and discovery. (Engaging a mental health professional can be quite helpful here.) If you find that you are a different sexuality, celebrate and embrace that reality. You have an exciting life about to unfold for you. Eviscerate any negative beliefs you may have been programmed with and recognize your natural sexuality without guilt, remorse, or apology. Go all in on the new you. Love and accept yourself for the beautiful being you are.

If other people have issues with who you really are, the problem is with them. Anyone who is a true friend or really loves you, will accept you exactly as you are. For those close friends of family members who have difficulty accepting you for who you really are, love them and allow them to grow. (They were brainwashed with all of the overpowering mind viruses they are directing against you, and may not have the sophistication and intellectual ability to overcome them yet. Give them time. They probably don’t read my books!)

You can’t live a prosperous life until you are living your truth.

Likewise, if you and your partner agree on an open relationship, great. If the two of you want to become swingers, play with a third, or hire a sex worker, go for it. If you like pornography, bondage, crossdressing, role playing, or some other fetish practice, more power to you. Treat yourself to an exquisite masturbation session now and then.

There is certainly no reason whatsoever to deny or repress your sexual desires because of some religious dogma, doctrines, or decrees. Think about the pedophilia and sexual abuse the clergy has practiced for centuries. (Not just the Vatican and Christianity, but by many faiths.) Think how organized religion has enabled the practice, and then the elaborate coverup they engaged in once caught. Are you going to allow people like that to judge you? Taking sex advice from the religious establishment…is like seeking vegan diet tips from Hannibal Lecter.

There is a very broad spectrum of this species we call humans. And every member of the species deserves basic human rights, dignity, and the freedom to be themselves. They deserve to fall in love with, be in relationship with, and marry anyone they mutually choose. You have the right to hold different opinions of sex, sexuality, and religion. But any beliefs you have that would demonize, discriminate, or otherwise diminish any other human being are anti-humanity, and thus anti-prosperity. Any rational critical thinker would understand those beliefs are based upon centuries-old fear, phobias, and sky god superstitions — and have no place in an enlightened and prosperous society. Hate, intolerance, and judgment are not family or spiritual values, and they certainly don’t take you closer to prosperity. Leave those beliefs behind.

You can never experience prosperity yourself if you are trying to deny it to others.

Take control back control of your thoughts and beliefs. Focus on a belief that all people of all genders and sexualities can live together in peace and harmony. Here in America, we defined this in our Declaration of Independence as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No matter where you reside, to live a prosperous life, you must support this philosophy of respect for the dignity and human rights of all.

To discriminate, persecute, or deny basic human rights to anyone on the basis of their sex or sexual identity is a crime against all humanity. It denies prosperity to both the oppressed and the oppressors. If we want to live in a prosperous world, we must all stand up for each other.

I could write dozens of whole books on the batshit crazy beliefs and fears there are around sex. But we’ve covered enough in this post and the previous one to recognize and remake your beliefs on the subject.

Now things really get dicey. Because in the next post, we’re going to dissect many of the insane, limiting, and soul-destroying beliefs about god and religion. Until then, please check in below with your thoughts.


- RG

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Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on January 9, 2020.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/