Creating Meaning in Your Life

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readMar 23, 2016

Home | Blog | Creating Meaning in Your Life

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Prosperity, Success.

There are so many seekers in the world today. They’re desperately looking for meaning in their lives. They join gangs and cults, religions and causes, desperate to find something that makes them feel good about themselves. But here’s the vital truth about meaning…

You don’t find meaning in your life. You have to create it.

You begin with the building blocks of your past: the challenges you’ve faced, the victories you’ve won, and the failures you’ve experienced.

You take those building blocks and build the kind of person you want to be, day by day. This process is an ongoing one, and it’s is about who you become, not what you accomplish.

There are lots of world champions, record holders, and people who achieved great things, but then slid back into a meaningless life. Because titles, trophies, and awards, even achievements — can never really bring meaning to your life. You don’t climb Mount Everest to get in the Guinness Book of World Records. You have to climb it because of the transmutation it can cause in you.

You bring meaning to your life by what you make important to you. How you spend your time. The challenges you are willing to face. The people you choose to love and the way you view the world.

Your meaning comes from the way you treat animals and the unfortunate, and those who can’t help you. The things you believe in and what you’re willing to fight for. The price you are willing to pay, to become the person you are truly meant to be.

There is no sage, guru or leader who can do this for you. Perhaps they can inspire you, encourage you, or empower you. But only you can decide who you want to become.

All the ingredients are in the package. But you and only you — can blend them together in a way that brings you joy, provides you dignity and gives you meaning.


Tags: abundance, Critical Thinking, goal setting, goals, happiness, Law of Attraction, manifesting prosperity, prosperity coaching, prosperity mindset, Success, the power of thought

Originally published at on March 23, 2016.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.