Evolution is the Revolution

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / February 3, 2021

We like to think that we snap our fingers, or change our belief about something, our lives will be miraculously transformed in an instant. (Or while watching The Secret.) And while momentous changes can sometimes be enacted simply by becoming aware of a problematic belief, habit, or behavior — even in best case scenarios — the real work starts there. The planets and solar system developed stage-by-stage from the Big Bang. Just as humankind progressed from the natural selection dynamic in evolution. Taking this yet further, the speed by which you and I develop is determined by the amount of challenge we’re willing (and sometimes forced) to face.

We are overcoming to become…

Throughout human history, societies have created specific rituals designed to signify ascension to a higher level. These range from tribal “becoming a man” rituals, achieving a specific belt or sash in martial arts, conducting bat and bar mitzvahs, or the hazing initiations of sororities and fraternities. While we love these delineation points because we think they provide context, they ignore the most important part of the equation — the never-ending journey toward something higher. (Higher levels of rank, skill, knowledge, and ideally, wisdom and/or consciousness.) It’s never an instant revolution, but instead a continuous evolution.

The secret of a prosperous life isn’t achieved by reaching some milestone or destination. You achieve a prosperous life by dedicating and devoting yourself to a journey of enlightenment, seeking each day to advance closer to the highest possible version of yourself.


- RG

Previous post: 5 Lies That Beat You Down…

Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on February 3, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/