Finding Power in the Pain…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readJun 28, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / June 28, 2021

It’s been a sad, depressing week for me. To remain positive, productive and in prosperity consciousness, I’ve created a “force field” around myself to filter out negative beliefs, haters, trolls and breaking news tragedies. If you do this, it allows you to get news on a second level removed. You can know what happens but choose not to watch the video of George Floyd dying, planes flying into the World Trade Center, and other soul-crushing moments like those. Unfortunately, my forcefield was pierced with the collapse of the condo tower in Surfside.

It’s ten minutes from my home, I’m intimately familiar with the neighborhood, and I went by that building every day on my way to work for years. Without warning I viewed a tweet that showed the building collapse from a security camera and the image has haunted me ever since. Making it worse, the weather has been terrible here, hampering the recovering efforts. The night of the collapse and the following night, there were severe thunderstorms in the area. Each night I awoke five or six times and found myself staring toward what remains of the tower in the gloom, thinking about the agony of anyone still alive in the rubble and the brave first responders who are searching for them.

Yes, we can bring coffee and sandwiches to the rescue workers and support the fund for the people affected. And yes, we can and must practice faith, and send prayers and thoughts of hope, healing, and highest good. But I still can’t help from feeling helpless and sad. You might as well, or experienced similar feelings for other losses and tragedies closer to you. Even after studying the principles of prosperity for more than 30 years, I still find it difficult to deal with catastrophes like this myself, let alone guide others through the process. The only advice I can suggest:

Reevaluate Your Priorities

If you’re looking for validation from Instagram post likes or finding purpose in putting out virtue signaling tweets to shame others, life is going to seem pretty empty for you and losses will affect you more painfully. Is closing that deal really more important than your child’s birthday? Is a new watch, NFT, or pair of shoes really going to make you happy? Is that snarky tweet really the best way to express your humanity right now? Look at every area of your life and work and ask yourself, ‘Does this really matter?’

Start Living in Gratitude

The days are long, but life is short. Don’t wait for tragedy to tell people you love them. Stop taking sunrises, sunsets, kittens, puppies, flowers, hugs, laughter, exercise, sleep, joy, health, and the people in your life for granted. Celebrate the moments. When you do lose loved ones, let their memories be a blessing.

Find the Hidden Blessings

Hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and earthquakes are how our planet regulates and maintains itself. It creates an ecosystem that allows life to flourish. There are always hidden blessings to every tragedy if you look for them. Nobody likes getting a flat tire, but that’s how the guy who owns the tire store sends his kids to college.

Honor Those Who Are Gone

Please don’t take this post to mean you can’t be sad or there’s something wrong with experiencing sadness. That all is part of the grieving process. It’s okay to be not okay. But it’s not okay to stay there forever. The best gift you can give to those we’ve lost is to resolve to live your best life — moving forward toward the highest possible version of yourself.


- RG

Previous post: Bitcoin, Shitcoin, Memes, and Monopoly Money

Originally published at on June 28, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.