Free Your Mind!

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readJun 23, 2020

by Randy Gage

One of the most liberating things you can ever do is free your mind from limiting beliefs about money, material comforts, and wealthy people. Most people have a continuous tug-of-war going on between their conscious and subconscious minds. Primally their have a subconscious desire to become wealthy and successful, while at the same time, they have subconscious programming disdaining the rich. Something has to give for you to create a harmonious life.

Even if you have been mindfully working to develop prosperity consciousness — you’ve probably fallen prey to some of the dozens of anti-wealth messages you get assaulted with every day of your life. Here’s a quick reality check for you:

If you didn’t notice and think about at least three bad mind viruses you received today, then odds are you were re-infected with more negative memes about money and success.

Think about that a sec. Did you consciously notice anything today — a joke about rich jerks, a snarky comment about successful people, or a plot in a book, TV show or movie portraying a wealthy person in an evil way? If you didn’t, I suggest you up your daily counterprogramming of positive messaging. (You can start with a special podcast I just posted about reframing the way you think.) Even if you strive not to be, you’re going to be exposed to dozens of negative, judgmental messages about money, material things, and being wealthy every day. And if they aren’t sounding an alarm on your radar, you’re being programmed with them.


- RG

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Originally published at on June 23, 2020.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.