How Batman, Cinderella, James Bond, and Lara Croft Keep You Broke…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
5 min readDec 27, 2019

by Randy Gage

In the previous posts, we talked about the negative mind viruses you receive from the education system, government, and organized religion. These three sources of mind viruses lead us to the fourth, most treacherous one — the datasphere. We’ll define the datasphere to include TV, radio, blogs, movies, books, magazines, podcasts, newsletters and now of course, social media. These are powerful, pervasive mediums and the more you are exposed to them (basically 24/7 for most people), the more potential mind viruses that can program your subconscious mind.

The datasphere provides an omnipotent multiplier effect to all of the limiting mind viruses perpetuated by the education system, governments, and organized religion.

Because of the scope, swiftness, and power of the datasphere, a meme that might have taken six years to traverse around the world in 1955 can now reach several billion people in a matter of days. The most insidious quality of mind viruses is how they infect then parasitize the host to replicate the viruses into those around us. The datasphere creates an endless loop of replication, creating “memeplexes” that are continuing reinforcing and propagating the viruses at the speed of the Internet.

The negative thought patterns created by the education system have been going on for at least a century or two. The helpless, needy, and entitlement mindsets that governments and organized religion require to control their followers have been practiced for literally thousands of years. Now with the advent of our modern datasphere, you are being assaulted with a digital tsunami of negative, toxic, and destructive mind viruses virtually 24 hours a day. And here are the most widespread memes being disseminated in the world today:

  • You are not worthy
  • Money is bad
  • Rich people are evil
  • You have to sell your soul for money
  • You don’t deserve to be healthy, happy and rich
  • If you sacrifice now, you’ll be rewarded in an afterlife
  • It’s noble or spiritual to be poor
  • Companies have to be exploitative to be successful
  • You are not meant to be happy in this lifetime
  • To become successful, you have to be bad parent

You are receiving literally hundreds of these mind viruses every day. They’re coming at you on a conscious level, and through a subliminal, subconscious pathway as well. And this is where the datasphere unleashes its astounding power…

All of those negative, limiting, and destructive mind viruses that you received from the education system, government, and organized religion get focused, amplified, and supercharged to program you for self-harm.

Like most folklore, superstitions and delusions, memes or mind viruses are most effectively spread by storytelling. So these mind viruses are inadvertently embedded in the stories we tell ourselves: opera, literature, television, plays, movies, blogs, newscasts, editorials and op-eds, and virtually all mass communication. Let’s break down how this plays out…

If you’re old enough to have been around when the superhero movie trend took off, you probably bought some popcorn and a ticket to the original Spiderman movie. There’s a part when Peter Parker/Spiderman’s uncle says, “We may not be rich, but at least we’re honest.”

So what really happened as you watched that scene?

You thought you were simply gorging on some Milk Duds, enjoying a flick. But what really happened is you were exposed to several negative mind viruses, and they became implanted yet deeper into your subconscious mind. Because have you ever thought through what an expression like that really means?

“We may not be rich, but at least we’re honest” really means “ Money is bad and rich people are evil. Be very glad that we are not rich, because that means we are actually good, noble, salt-of-the-earth people.”

And in today’s datasphere you are receiving subliminal messages like these on a non-stop basis. But before we get into that, you should know something else about mind viruses…

The more emotional they are, the faster they spread and the stronger their effect on you. So any meme involving children or defenseless victims has mega power.

Think about the Spiderman scene: Why is Peter’s uncle raising him? Because poor Peter lost his parents; he is an orphan. And it would appear being an orphan is a worldwide pandemic in the stories we tell each other. Take a quick look at the following list of orphans in fiction (particularly children’s stories):


Snow White

Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer

James Bond

Captain America


The Boxcar Children


Dorothy Gale (Wizard of Oz)

Pied Piper

Little Orphan Annie

Hawkeye (Marvel)

David Copperfield

Po (Kung Fu Panda)

Poison Ivy



Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

Finn (Star Wars)

Han Solo

Anakin Skywalker

Luke and Leia Skywalker

Rey Skywalker


Martin Brundle (The Fly)

Frodo Baggins

Worf (Star Trek)

Michael Burnham (Star Trek Discovery)



Firefly (DC Comics)

Harry Potter

Black Manta


Green Hornet

Oliver Twist

Professor X




John Wick

Jon Snow

Daenerys Targaryen

Pretty much anyone with the surname of Stark.

Does that list just blow your mind? There are certain archetypal characters seem to appear over and over throughout storytelling history, and the character of a child without one or especially both parents is at the top of the list. As you can see above, not having parents seems to be the rule for superheroes. Lots of other protagonists appear to have lost their parents and been taken in by others. If the new family is cruel (Harry Potter and Cinderella) the power of the meme is boosted yet more. Likewise, if our poor lonely orphans are left to fend for themselves. (Mowgli, Oliver Twist, and the boxcar children.)

You might be worried that there is a worldwide pandemic of some mysterious disease that is killing off the parents of all of these characters. Or perhaps you think it’s a sinister plot by Hollywood writers. The real cause of this situation is actually quite simple: If you’re a screenwriter, you want to write a screenplay like the movies that impacted you the most. If you’re an author, you want to write a book like that ones that spoke to you.

Simply put, the writers subconsciously followed the formula: They were exposed to mind viruses, got infected and parasitized by them, and then continued to spread them.

And that boys and girls, is how memes take over the world. Now if the predominant memes circulating were simply heroic stories of orphans overcoming the loss of their parents, perhaps we’d simply be inspired. Or if the majority of memes were ones suggesting that you are worthy, and meant to be healthy, happy, and prosperous. But those are not the kind of memes gaining mass circulation. Check back on the list at the beginning of this post. You are being fed these memes in a conscious, subconscious, or unconscious way, literally hundreds of times, every single day of your life. And they are causing you to self-sabotage your health, happiness, and prosperity. Which is what we will explore on the next post. Until then, please share some of your mind viruses, I mean thoughts, below.


- RG

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Originally published at on December 27, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.