How Government Enslaves You…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readDec 24, 2019

by Randy Gage

Our goal in this continuing series is to end self-sabotage and improve the prosperity you manifest for yourself. As part of that process you must identify the subconscious negative beliefs you possess and replace them with beliefs that are positive, healthy and empowering. To do that, you need to first identify where you are getting infected with those negative beliefs.

There are four main culprits that create the vast majority of the damage. Last post we looked at the first of these, the Education System. Now let’s explore the second offender, Government.

Governments can be categorized into two types:

  • Single person/party rule. (Theocracies, autocracies, dictatorships, etc.)
  • Multiple party rule (Democracies, federation, republic, etc.)

Whenever a single person or party holds all power, that power ultimately corrupts, you end up with dictators and despots, and the end result is anti-humanity and thus anti-prosperity. In the cases of multi-party rule, history has shown that inevitably this whittles down to two main parties. Then you have one party in power, who wants to remain in power — and one party out of power, desperate to regain power. The inherent flaw in the two-party system comes from the universal law that the only free cheese is in the mousetrap.

Each party feeds into a competition to see who can offer the most “free cheese” in order to remain in or regain power. They ultimately disintegrate into dictatorships, communism, or socialism (which is simply communism with lipstick). These government models all kill free enterprise and individual initiative, so the end result is anti-humanity and thus anti-prosperity.

Governments can never create prosperity. At their very best, they can only facilitate it. The majority of the time, they kill it.

Most of the people who serve in government consciously want to do well. (Or at least they begin that way.) But too many of them they think they know how to take care of you better than you do yourself. Most importantly, to remain in power, governments need you to need them. To remain viable, they must create entitlement and dependence, which are prosperity killers. While governments frequently promise to liberate people, they ultimately enslave them.

In the next post, you’ll discover the dangers to your happiness and prosperity posed by organized religion. In the meantime, love to see your comments below.


- RG

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Originally published at on December 24, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.