Letting Go of Being a Victim

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
1 min readMay 10, 2019

by Randy Gage

Last post I said that to move forward to victory (winning in your life), you have to let go of your old story about being a victim. So just how do you do that?

The actual process is so simple it’s shocking. Yet for many people, that process can take years or decades. (It took me almost a decade.) Why?

Because we focus on what we desire (becoming a victor in whatever area we’re seeking success or happiness in), but don’t take the time to understand that intrinsic motivation that was holding us back to begin with.

Meaning the “payoff” you get from being a victim…

Believing you are a victim can justify subconscious programming you have that you’re not worthy. Or it can bring you attention and sympathy that you’re not ready to give up. Being a victim might make you feel noble or spiritual; the little guy (or gal) fighting the forces of evil.

Of course, all of those payoffs aren’t actually payoffs. They’re a self-created prison cell. Until you decide you deserve a better payoff. How you doing on this?

- RG

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Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on May 10, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/