Look for the Miracle

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readOct 25, 2019

by Randy Gage

One of the most irritating customs of the human species is our tendency to fall into pity parties at every opportunity. Take me for instance…

Two weeks ago while playing softball, I completely torn my adductor tendons from the bone, which essentially shot me down for the remainder of the season. The general contractor who remodeled my condo screwed up the plumbing, so I can’t even use the beautiful bathtub I installed to soak in for recovery. Meanwhile I’ve been wasting many hours in the ER, urgent care, doctor’s waiting rooms and fighting the insurance company — when I need to be finishing my next book for the November deadline. It’s enough to make me want to scream. But then I remember something…

My life is a fucking miracle.

I am still playing softball (at shortstop!), at an age when most guys are 20 years into their new coach potato career. My plumbing challenges are in my penthouse surrounded by a panoramic view of Biscayne Bay. I’ve written twelve books, all of which have been bestsellers, and there is a publisher that believes in me for a thirteenth. I am blessed in so many ways that I could write a dozen books on the subject and never scratch the surface.

My self-centered ego wants to focus on every inconvenience, obstacle and setback, which would cause me to lose sight of the tender hugs, majestic sunrises, people who love me, adorable puppies, rewarding work, kind words, beautiful flowers, spectacular views, and the delicious green tea I am blessed with every day.

Not to mention being able to watch the epic World Series matchup between the Astros and the Nationals tonight. Not to mention, YOU, the gorgeous, brilliant people who read my blog, listen to my podcasts and support my work! If I start feeling sorry for myself, someone needs to slap me into next week.

Which of course brings us back to you

Do you realize how blessed you are to be alive today — in the greatest time to be alive in human history? The fact that you have a cell phone or laptop to read this blog on. The fact that you have Wi-Fi or can have a coffee in a Starbucks and use theirs. You get the chance to experience at least a dozen miracles every day of your life. If you’re looking for them.

That doesn’t mean it’s all peaches, gumdrops, and unicorns. I get that. You face challenges, setbacks and obstacles too. But remember something…

Your life is a fucking miracle.

  • If your car needs repair, it sucks. But isn’t it a blessing to own a car?
  • Maybe you’re angry at your spouse right this minute. But aren’t you grateful you have one to be angry with?
  • Maybe you’ve also got an injury or disability right now. But how many wonderful things has your body allowed you to experience?
  • You’ve probably lost people you love. But are their memories a blessing for you?

Are you taking notice of, and celebrating the miracles in your life? Or did you miss them because you were ruminating on the fact that you only received 11 likes on your last Instagram post?

I hope it’s the former. Do me a favor, would you?

Would you just write one blessing, miracle, or person you’re grateful for below in the comments? Seriously. Stop lurking and actually post a comment.

And then in the next post, I want to get to my objective of all this — to challenge you to take the talents, blessings and gifts you possess, and share them with others. Until then…


- RG

P.S. To all you lurkers…I’m serious. Stop lurking and write something in the comments below that you’re grateful for!

Affiliate Relationship Disclosure

Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on October 25, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/