Making the Difficult Choices

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readDec 6, 2018

Home | Blog | Making the Difficult Choices

By Randy Gage in Success, Prosperity.

I began this series stating we all need something bigger than ourselves to be a part of. And as you saw in the last post, some people run from that reality. Now we can look at the third option: mindfully seeking a life of meaning.

We all know the alarming rates for suicide and depression. I believe they are the direct result of having such a huge group of people who are bored. Bored with their job, bored with their relationship, and bored with their life.

To escape that reality requires a conscious choice. Massive amounts of introspection. Professional help sometimes. Becoming a true critical thinker. Having the willingness to question all of your core foundational beliefs about everything.

This is hard work, because it is so threatening to our self-esteem and self-awareness. We usually discover we’re not the person we put out there for the world to see. But even worse, if you discover you’re not the person you hoped you were. And to someone actually sentient, discerning and perceptive enough to do this kind of introspection and analysis — this is perhaps the most excruciating realization you can experience.

But of course, that’s where the breakthroughs live…

This path isn’t for everyone. But I honestly believe it’s the only way we become the highest possible version of ourselves. The only way we move from success to significance; and live a life of purpose and meaning.

Which is where we will begin on the next post. Until then, love to hear your thoughts.


Tags: happiness, prosperity, self awareness

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Originally published at on December 6, 2018.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.