My Career As a Sex Worker

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readMar 27, 2019

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By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Prosperity.

Not surprisingly, I got some critical feedback on the last post about the judgments surrounding sex. People wanted to argue the anti-prosperity elements of pedophilia, sexual abuse and sexual trafficking. But those charges are clearly meant to distract and deflect from the lack of rational logic in their argument. I am absolutely against pedophilia, sexual abuse of any kind, and human trafficking, sexual or otherwise. I believe an enlightened and prosperous society can agree that such behavior is abhorrent and anti-humanity, thus anti-prosperity. So let’s not confuse the issue with distractions. The real issue here is people’s right to self-determination, and to make a living for themselves in a way that doesn’t abridge the rights of others.

Some have accused me of being naïve, and not understanding what they view as the emotional toll, self-esteem issues, and long-term mental consequences of sex work. I find that argument specious because the people making it seem to be basing it on gossip, or what they see portrayed on television. I come to my conclusions based on my personal experience.

First, I have hired sex workers myself. I found it to be a pleasant and enjoyable change of pace. Secondly, I actually dated a sex worker for almost a year. While we didn’t end up staying together, we had a very healthy, happy relationship for that time. And most importantly, in my late twenties, I supplemented my meager earnings in the restaurant industry, by working part-time as a male prostitute.

You can argue that there is much abuse and exploitation in the sex trade industry. I agree. But there is also much abuse and exploitation in the modeling, music, acting, comedy and countless other industries and professions — and we don’t make those illegal. (Do you have any idea what exploitation people who are consultants in a big accounting firm go through trying to achieve senior partner status?)

As a sex worker, I never felt exploited, victimized, or experienced any kind of emotional trauma during this time. And because I’m not one to believe in ancient sky god superstitions, I didn’t experience any guilt either. I saw the work then, and still do today, as just another way I utilized my ambition and entrepreneurial skills to provide for myself.

So if you want to fight against exploitation and for human dignity, I’ll stand should-to-shoulder with you. Just don’t try and use me to support your dogmas, superstitions, and judgments about sex.


– RG

Tags: freedom, sex, prosperity, sex workers, sex worker, self-determination, gigolo

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Originally published at on March 27, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.