Never Count Other People’s Money

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readMar 20, 2019

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By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

Not surprisingly, the last post created some strong reactions, both positive and vitriolic. In my inimitably charming way, I said people who would judge where and how I spend my money should go fuck themselves. Now in case there was anyone I didn’t offend with that last post — let’s see if I can cover them with this one.

There are some fundamental elements of prosperity that must be understood, and some fundamental principles that must be followed — in order for you to manifest true prosperity in your life. Let’s begin with this premise:

Never count other people’s money. Or tell them how to spend it.

It’s not your business or right to judge other people’s wealth and how they choose to express it. NOTE: We’re not talking about someone earning a fortune in manufacturing while polluting the nearby river, engaging in sex trafficking, or other immoral activities like that. Hopefully in an enlightened society, we can agree that actions that benefit you, but harm others are not prosperous.

But as far as what car they drive, what class of travel they enjoy, or any other material possessions they purchase — you have to have a monumental arrogance and ignorance to believe you have the right to judge others in this regard.

Everyone has areas they spurge on, because they enjoy the way it enhances or enriches their life. And everyone has areas they are frugal in, because those areas aren’t as important to them. And what those areas are, are nobody else’s business. No one.

Remember the ice bucket challenge? I saw people post their challenge video to raise funds to fight ALS and get replies rebuking them because water is precious in Africa, question whether they spent two dollars buying the ice, or telling them they will rot and burn in hell because some research involves stem cells. Arrogance and ignorance.

Someone posts support for a charity on their social media stream, and someone else is quick to question how much the director of that charity is paid (insinuating that all non-profit employees should work for free or meager wages), or the percentage of their administrative expenses. Arrogance and ignorance.

When you’re a public person like I am, you get hit with loan requests, handout entreaties, and charitable appeals weekly. When I ignore a request from some person I’ve never met to send them a substantial amount of money for some nebulous need they have, they often tell me what a “bad Christian” I am, or how I forgot where I came from. If I tell them I already have my plate full with charities I support, some respond that I’m stupid or uncaring for not supporting their charity. Arrogance and ignorance.

Please. Spare me your arrogance and ignorance. For most of the people who judge me, I would wager that I give more money to charity in a month then than they do in their entire lifetime. They attack me for the shallowness they feel in their own lives.

I don’t respond by publicly bragging what I donate and where. Because that would validate that they somehow have a right to question how I spend my money. They don’t. (And by the way, it wouldn’t matter if I donated nothing to charity and spent all my money on 100K watches and bottles at the club. By earning my money, I have earned the right to spend it as I see fit.)

Now I get that there are some of you who genuinely have a desire to help others and see the world become a more enlightened place, where we all took pride and actions to serve others. I’m with you all the way. But there is a better mindset to approach that with.

Which we’ll explore on the next post. Until then, love to see your thoughts below…


Tags: abundance, manifesting prosperity, money, wealth, prosperity

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Originally published at on March 20, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.