Poverty Is an Illusion

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readJan 25, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / January 25, 2021

In every era of history (arguably each generation), humankind has thought of itself as at a historic turning point. Since we have evolved steadily over the centuries, in some sense this belief is true.

Yet I do believe we would be correct to think that this moment in time may be our most important turning point to date…

Because the recent convergence of the pandemic, economic tumult, disruption caused by technology, and the ability to disseminate hate, fear, and disinformation on the internet, podcasts, blogs, and other social media have created a perfect storm opportunity. The opportunity for greater awareness of our abject failure to deal with the inequality of wealth distribution in the world today. That awareness of failure can become our catalyst for doing better.

I will posit that we’ve reached this situation because as a society, we are completely ignorant about the concepts of both poverty and prosperity.

You might witness a destitute ghetto, an African nation experiencing a famine, the line of cars in a pandemic food bank — or simply have difficulty meeting your own needs — and believe that prosperity is absent in that area. That is not the case, because there are no places in the known universe where prosperity doesn’t exist — merely places where humankind has not yet manifested it.

When I say poverty is an illusion, it’s not to be snarky, judgmental, or minimize the very real needs of people living in an apparent state of poverty. I lived in (and believed in) poverty for the first half of my life. Just as perception is reality, my belief in poverty kept me chained to it.

The belief that there are certain regions or peoples fundamentally and permanently attached to poverty is not a belief that serves us. It’s an insidious conviction that perpetuates one of humanity’s greatest sins: our inability to better teach, demonstrate, and share the principles of prosperity to all.

In the metaphysical sense, prosperity is not an abundance of money and material things; it is a state of consciousness. Likewise, poverty is not the absence of money and material things; it also is a state of consciousness. In the scientific sense, prosperity is the physical manifestation of ideas into beneficial application on the physical plane. (For a deeper dive on how to do that, watch this replay of my Prosperity Livestream.)

Primitive people thought that the sun deserted the earth every day. In reality, the earth turns away from the sun. It is the same way with prosperity. It never leaves us, but we sometimes don’t realize it is there, or inadvertently turn away from it. Suppose you’re in a dark room. Open the curtains in daytime and the sunlight will obliterate the darkness. Now of course the sunlight does not need to think about this, strategize, or make an effort in any way for this to happen.

Because the darkness is not an entity in and of itself. It has no reality of its own; it’s simply the absence of light. The darkness did not go anywhere because it didn’t really exist. Darkness is simply the lack of something (in this case light), and when that lack was filled, there was no longer lack.

We can say the same thing about poverty. It is simply the absence of prosperity, which is our natural state.

Prosperity surrounds us everywhere. It exists in the barrios of San Paolo, neglected areas of Compton, homeless shelters, bankruptcy courtrooms, and battlefields of war. But it is up to us to convert it, from its abstract form in the ethers, to manifest it on the physical plane. We do this through the medium of ideas. ( More about that here.) That leads us to the most important question…

Are you ready to give up the illusion of poverty and step into your true reality of abundance?


- RG

Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on January 25, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/