Procrastination — and the Ideal of the Perfect Concept

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Home | Blog | Procrastination — and the Ideal of the Perfect Concept

By Randy Gage in Uncategorized.

I finally figured it out. What had been holding me back for months. And is probably what’s been holding you back…

Not sure about you, but I fall in love with the ideal of the perfect concept.

My publishers are clamoring for me to write my next book. And I’m excited about doing that. But still haven’t started, after months of fitful starts.


Because when I actually get a title and the table of contents, it’s not my ideal of the literary-genius, thought-provoking, movement-creating, legendary Pulitzer-Prize-winning masterpiece that I’ve been envisioning.

It moves from the theoretical realm of energizing creative genius — to the practical reality of actually writing something that isn’t shit.

Big difference. Who wants to deal with reality when you can daydream about the ultimate fantasy world? But enough about my mental issues…

Let’s talk about you. What is the project you’re holding back on?

The documentary that needs to be released, the opera only you can compose, the book you’ve been threatening to write, the blog you have the vision for, or that non-profit you were always going to start. Or maybe (gulp), it’s getting married, your fitness routine, starting a family, or forgiving someone you’ve been in a blood feud with.

Are you holding back because it’s safer to live in a fantasy world of the perfect ideal you’re going to create — instead of facing the real work, discipline and character required to get it done?

Just asking…


Tags: abundance, goal setting, goals, prosperity mindset, Success, success training, happiness, health, persistence, procrastination, prosperity

Originally published at on March 20, 2018.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.