Sharing Your Gifts with the World

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readFeb 18, 2019

Home | Blog | Sharing Your Gifts with the World

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

Did you know that I have written more than 8,000 blog posts? (This is actually number 8,425.) But here’s the most important metric for our topic today: the number of “perfect” posts I’ve written:


If you’re wondering the criteria, here’s how I’m defining a perfect post. To start, I felt a creative high writing it. I believed the topic was something that would really speak to people on deep level, cause them to question a premise, or blow up a limiting belief as we discussed in the last post. And then the post had over 1,000 shares, hundred of comments, some people said it was the best thing they ever read, and others hated it like poison.

Lots of times I felt that creative high, but the response didn’t live up to it. Other times I wasn’t really feeing it, but I wrote anyway, and then it had a huge response. The number of times it all lined up perfectly was seven.

So why am I confessing to such a pathetic rate of success to you?

So you understand the relevance of that statistic to you and your work. So you stop holding off on that project until it’s “perfect.” So you understand that when you are holding out for perfect, you’re really procrastinating, making excuses, or simply fearing failure.

The sculpture, opera, book, song, app, painting, play, project, company, speech, or proposal that you never put out there because you’re waiting for it to be perfect — will never help, touch or speak to anyone.

If you really believe in your work, you have to put it out to the world.


Tags: art, gifts, talents, sharing your gifts, perfectionism, perfect, arts

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Originally published at on February 18, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.