Simple Pleasures of Prosperity

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
1 min readJul 15, 2019

by Randy Gage

Funny how when you mention prosperity, people first usually think of things like Rolls Royce automobiles, money, and mansions. And certainly, money and material things are an integral part of prosperity. But much more important are the simple pleasures….

Spending time with that person you’re so connected to, you finish each other’s sentences. Catching that special purple orange sky at sunset. Sitting on your balcony, watching a fierce thunderstorm.

Watching a bird swooping into the water to catch a fish. The sound of waves crashing on the shore. Or the bustle on a city at night.

How many simple pleasures are around you all the time? They are a huge part of prosperity. Are you making time to appreciate them?


P.S. My new book drops tomorrow! People have been sharing their emails from Amazon showing them their books are on the way. Please check out the info page here and order a couple copies, because I need the money!

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Originally published at on July 15, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.