Some Exciting Personal News…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
4 min readDec 30, 2020

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / December 30, 2020

News that can be very relevant to you.

I’m about to embark on the next chapter of my journey, one that has been coming for almost 30 years. In 1991, I formed a new company and named it Prosperity Factory, Inc. The name was chosen because it spoke to my belief that each and every one of us has the ability to co-create prosperity in our lives. That prosperity can essentially be manufactured by collecting the right ingredients, following the laws of prosperity, and using the correct process. The prosperity each of us creates is unique to us, but the method is universal to us all.

Teaching the principles of prosperity has taken me to 47 states, 51 countries, speaking to more than 2 million people, and writing 14 bestselling books. While this has blessed me financially, it was never about the money…

For that reason, I’ve always offered scholarships to my live programs, and work incessantly creating free training and learning opportunities through almost 400 podcasts, 400 YouTube videos, more than 10,000 blog posts, and 117,007 prosperity Tweets. (Really.) This journey has been tremendously rewarding but also physically and mentally taxing. It’s too trying a pace to keep up, so it’s time I turn the page and start writing the next chapter…

I’m about to launch a ministry for prosperity, and become a prophet for profit.

This ministry is not a church. In fact, it’s an un-church. Prosperity Factory is a for-profit, spiritual ministry — for people of all faiths, and those with no religious faith — to learn, fellowship, and grow together. Once a week we will gather to study the principles of prosperity, free enterprise, and generosity.

I have a HUGE vision for this…

One day, this will be a multi-planetary community of prosperity warriors, committed to have more prosperity, circulate more prosperity, and become more prosperity. (I’m hoping the next people to visit the moon will experience our services, and if Elon Musk does what I think he can, one day we’ll be broadcasting on Mars as well.)

This new vehicle will allow me to pull back from all the daily blogs, podcasts, and social media posting — and concentrate on delivering a weekly lesson about prosperity. The people who follow and appreciate my work can support it financially, and those not able to pay can still access everything for free.

Like I said earlier, this is not a charity, a church or a religion. (I will be actually modeling the free enterprise principles I’m teaching.) It is a spiritual community united by our desire to prosper, learn, and move toward the highest possible version of ourselves. The guiding philosophies:

No Doctrines: Bold Ideas, not Ideology No Dogma: Strong Beliefs, Loosely Held No Holy Books: You are the Sacred Wisdom No Salvation: Simply Exploration

We’ll begin and always continue online. But post-Covid-19, it’s my dream that those who wish to attend the lessons in person can do so. I envision a spiritual oasis that attracts visitors from around the world. (And the universe.)

This is your personal invitation to join me on this journey…

If you’re ready to explore your next chapter…the version of you that you plan to unleash at midnight as we roll into the year 2021…join me Saturday, January 2 ndat 8 am eastern for the inaugural service. Here’s the link, please add it to your calendar:

“The 2021 Version of You”

December 2 nd, at 8 am Eastern

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 372 569 2832

Find your local number:

This week’s lesson will be on how you create a better New Year by creating a better New You. I’ll be reading from my new book and speaking about how you can kill off the old version of you and reach the highest possible version of yourself. I sincerely hope you’ll be there live for this special event. And would be most grateful if you would circulate the prosperity and spread the word about the live stream.

Along those lines, if you know someone, I’m looking for an intern to help launch this project. The right person needs to be Miami-based, young (or young at heart), focused, fierce, passionate about prosperity, a maestro in social media like Instagram and Tik-Tok, and a savant with live streaming platforms like ZOOM and Facebook. This is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime growth opportunity for the right human. We’re going to be building the airplane as we fly it, so this position isn’t for the meek. Please reply in the comments below or DM me on Twitter if you want to be considered. And if you have contacts at Apple, Netflix or any other streaming service that may want to broadcast the weekly lessons, please work your magic.

The bad news is I will be pulling back a great deal from this blog, the podcasts, and social media. But the good news is we will be able to connect live every week for an experience of challenge, adventure and growth. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you…


- RG

Originally published at on December 30, 2020.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.