Taking Money from Bad Rich People

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readMar 21, 2019

Home | Blog | Taking Money from Bad Rich People

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

Quite a lively and spirited discussion happening on the posts this week. And that isn’t even counting all the death threats and insults I’m getting through social media, emails and DMs. (Just kidding. Kinda.) Last post I said that I understood and emphasized with those who genuinely have a desire to help others and see the world become a more enlightened place, where we all took pride and actions to serve others. I just feel that individuals (or governments) arbitrarily telling people how they should spend their money and help others is not the answer.

I am sickened when I see defenseless animals mistreated, so I support charities that combat that. If your child was dying of leukemia, you would probably believe that finding a cure for that disease the most important initiative on the planet. Meanwhile if Freddie just got diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, obviously he might wish that everyone would donate to that cause.

But if you believe in the principles of prosperity, you recognize that there is no moral authority for me, you, Freddie, or anyone else, to tell other people what charity they have to support. To do so would explicitly counteract the principles of prosperity.

Now we haven’t mentioned Debra yet…

Let’s suppose Debra is a trust fund baby who receives $2 million a year in living expenses. And she spends it all snorting coke and flying around on private jets to places Ibiza and the Fyre Festival.

I throw in this example, because you have to always extend your logic out to its natural conclusion…

It isn’t right or fair that animals and people suffer while Debra is living a life of debauchery. It might be an affront to our personal morality. Should we somehow pry a portion of that money from Debra and use it for our more noble purposes? Should we just lock her up and take all of her money and redistribute it more fairly? What about if we just sentenced her to death and impounded the money?

These approached could work. If we imprison or kill off all of the people who don’t live life by our morality, we can redirect all the wealth to better uses and cure a bunch of diseases and make the world better for everyone, right?


Because who gets to decide what is moral and isn’t? Who decides where the money goes? The solution is worse than the problem. And we haven’t even gotten to the worst element yet. Which is where I want to pick up on the next post. Until then, love to see your thoughts below.


Tags: abundance, manifesting prosperity, money, wealth, prosperity, rich people

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Originally published at www.randygage.com on March 21, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/