The Formula for Self-Mastery by Randy Gage

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readJan 29, 2019

Home | Blog | The Formula for Self-Mastery

By Randy Gage in Success, Prosperity.

In the last two posts, we’ve been talking about the work you do, discovering your assignment, and working towards self-mastery.

Yesterday we closed deals to publish my next book in India and Hungary, and have offers that we’re negotiating with from about a dozen other countries already. It made me reflect the gratitude I feel for discovering my own assignment, loving to do it, and being compensated well for doing it. And please know that gratitude extends to you — the people who follow my work and make it all possible. So thank you!

Every job I took along the way helped me reach this moment. And five years from now, I may look back on my work now as simply preparation for my next level of evolution.

I believe that becoming a master at your vocation is important. But it’s certainly not enough. I won’t throw shade on anyone in particular, but you know many famous athletes, movie stars, and brilliant entrepreneurs who had their profession down perfect, but their lives were a train wreck.

To truly manifest prosperity, you must master what it is to be a person. Self-mastery — the kind that brings you happiness and success must include healthy relationships, living with integrity, and mental and physical wellness.

But self-mastery, like mastery of any kind, means excelling above most others, achieving the highest levels of effort, practice and execution. Being willing to sacrifice to be the best. And once you attain this kind of mastery, it shows. Even to the casual observer at a sidewalk café.

Those are the people I love to watch. They have an undeniable presence about themselves, a sense of purpose, calm and harmony that is simply intoxicating. Their quiet confidence is noticeable to anyone who looks for it. So let’s talk about how you get it.

Zeroing in on the very essence, the formula for self-mastery is extremely simply, yet remarkably profound…

Mastery comes from confidence. Confidence comes from achieving goals. Achieving goals comes from daily habits. Daily habits are created by the vision you hold.

Please read that last paragraph again. Then do the arithmetic backward and you have a roadmap to success. And notice that it all starts with vision. Which is where we’ll pick up on the next post. Until then, would love to see your thoughts below.

– RG

Tags: Success, self-mastery, prosperity

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Originally published at on January 29, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.