The Human Spirit

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readFeb 6, 2019

Home | Blog | The Human Spirit

By Randy Gage in Success, Prosperity.

After the last post, I heard from my good friend Steve Siebold. He wrote me, “The first-world is Disneyland, where we live in a bubble and have discussions like these. The vast majority of the world is dark and brutal, where the priorities are food, shelter, survival, and war. We should be positive because we won the geographical lottery.”

I hear what he’s saying…

Truth is, those of us living in the first world have won a lottery in a sense. (Although I would argue we had a large role in creating the conditions we enjoy.) And I’m not so naive to think that there aren’t serious challenges in the developing world.

But here’s why I won’t buy into the dark side…

I traveled extensively in the second and third world, usually doing programs on how to reach success. And the passion, dedication and effort the people there display for free enterprise is inspirational, breath-taking, and heart-warming. Once someone drove for five days, sleeping in their car, simply to shake my hand in Moscow. I’ve had people travel by train for 40 hours to get to one of my seminars in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Did a program in Lima where someone rode over the mountains from Colombia in the back of a pickup truck with livestock. Had someone come to a program in Trujillo, riding on a mule.

There is almost nothing so powerful as a person with a dream. And getting to witness that personally as I am so blessed to do, can’t help but leave me optimistic.

I’ve seen the passion in the eyes of people pursuing their dreams from San Diego to London, La Paz to Sydney, San Salvador to Memphis, and Seoul to a trailer park in Pensacola.

The human spirit is extraordinary. And every time you get the chance — bet on it.


Tags: abundance, optimism, prosperity, human spirit, free enterprise

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Originally published at on February 6, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.