The Link Between Your Prosperity and Self-Esteem

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readJan 30, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / January 30, 2021

The clue that busts the case wide open is in plain sight. In fact, it’s so obvious that most people fail to register it. I’m speaking about the role of self-esteem in manifesting your prosperity.

Even with all my work over the years studying and analyzing what it takes to build a prosperous life — it took me writing Radical Rebirth to bring the direct connection between prosperity and self-esteem up to the surface. As you segue from your teen years into young adulthood, you pass through a critical tipping point phase that usually determines your ultimate destiny — the kind of life you will lead. Allow me to paint a picture to demonstrate how this frequently plays out…

Imagine a two-person case study. Person A and Person B are both 18 years old, making major decisions that are going to impact the rest of their lives. These decisions may include whether they marry (and if so, who), whether they go to college or jump straight to the workforce, the career paths they choose, buying or renting a home, the levels of debt they create, and their overall visions of what they want to do with their lives.

For the sake of our experiment, let’s suppose Person A has a positive level of self-esteem and Person B has a negative level of self-esteem. Remember that self-esteem is how they see themselves, the value (or lack of it) they assign to their lives.

Now let’s suppose they both decide on the college route. Do you have any doubt that the person with higher self-esteem will apply to better schools? Suppose they both choose the corporate world and go to work for ABC Company. One year later a better-paying position becomes available. Do you doubt the person with high self-esteem puts in their application while the other one would simply assume they won’t get selected, so not bother to even apply?

This dichotomy in their choices will play out their entire lives unless something interrupts the pattern and forces a reanalysis. The person with low self-esteem will pass up employment opportunities, investment opportunities, and even love and relationships opportunities — opportunities that the person with higher self-esteem will pursue.

I will posit the following: People with low self-esteem are less happy, get sick more, earn less, experience more addiction, have higher suicide rates, and die younger. People with high self-esteem are healthier, happier, have a higher net worth, and live longer. And the biggest determining factor is their level of self-esteem as they cross the threshold to adulthood.

Most of you reading this right now have already passed this threshold. But while “the die is cast,” you can break the die and create a new one. Really. Radical Rebirth will show you how. ( Buy two, I need the money!) And we’ll break down the first part of the process in the next post. Until then, would love to see your thoughts in the comments below.


- RG

Previous post: Bringing Prosperity to the World

Originally published at on January 30, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.