The Meaning Behind the Moments…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readJan 18, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / January 18, 2021

It seems like most of the world is suffering from a new debilitating malady: Netflix-Hulu-Disney+ Disease. The cause of this disease is a fundamental belief that the meaning of your life is to be entertained. People afflicted with this illness manage their days around the premise of how to fill every waking, non-working moment in their lives with entertainment. (And if we’re being totally honest here, even a lot of their working moments.)

The only way to cure this disease is to develop a new and higher belief about the meaning of your life, recognizing two things:

  1. Your life is made up of moments.
  2. The meaning comes from how you spend those moments.

You recognize that life has never been about being entertained every moment. Rather, you need moments of entertainment in life so you can recharge and be ready for the moments that actually matter. Moments like:

  • Playing catch with your child
  • Noticing that flower growing through the cement
  • Throwing a stick for your dog
  • Gazing deep in the eyes of someone you love, where words are no longer necessary
  • Mentoring a willing mind
  • Holding still, unwilling to move, because your cat is nestled upon you purring contentedly
  • Wrestling with a mental problem, seeking a better solution
  • Enduring a physical challenge that feels like it has sapped your last reservoir of strength, only to find some unseen source of motivation to complete the task
  • Facing down a humiliating public failure, a daunting medical diagnosis, or even the loss of a loved one — knowing the seeds of future success, love, and happiness are often born in the ashes of seeming devastation.

So microwave some popcorn and savor The Expanse or The Crowne, the Premier League or the NFL, the Westminster Dog Show or WWF, Soul or Wonder Woman 1984.

Just don’t lose sight of the meaning behind the moments…


- RG

Originally published at on January 18, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.