The Real Proof

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
1 min readJul 26, 2019

by Randy Gage

How serious do you take these posts and your personal growth? Do you come here to convince yourself you’re doing something about personal growth — or do you use them to actually make improvements in your life? We all know talk is cheap, but actions are real.

Your track record answers the question for you. Take yesterday’s post on taking care of your body. What did you do with that?

Did you eat some fresh fruit and vegetables yesterday?

Park away from the door?

Take the stairs instead of the elevator?

Go for a walk after dinner?

Make time to exercise?

Pass up on dessert?

Set aside some time for meditation?

Or did you tell yourself something like, “That’s a good point, I need to take better care of my body,” and then do nothing?

  • RG

Originally published at on July 26, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.