The Thoughts You Give Precedence To…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readSep 11, 2019

by Randy Gage

What I’m about to write may seem very political and very United States-centric. But the lesson it contains is universal, and has nothing to do with either. See if you can discern the prosperity lesson for you, no matter what country you live in…

The U.S. foreign policy is in shambles right now.

  • We unilaterally broke the treaty we had with Iran, so they are now enriching more uranium and becoming closer to a nuclear power. And even our allies no longer trust us.
  • North Korean was ostracized as a world pariah and the sanctions against them were crippling their economy. But we elevated dictator Kim Jong-un with summits with the U.S. president. This opened up new trade and options from China and other countries looking for advantages. And NK launched two more missile tests yesterday.
  • The U.K., one of our most-trusted and valued allies is going through a meltdown right now.
  • The trade war with China has angered our allies, roiled the financial markets, and is costing Americans billions of dollars in additional costs. President Trump’s comments about Hong Kong have sent the message that human rights are no longer important to us.
  • Likewise our willingness to shrug off Saudi Arabia chopping up an American journalist with a bone saw conveys the same message.
  • We’re fighting wars in at least seven countries at the moment.
  • Russia was expelled from the G8 because they annexed Crimea and Trump infuriated the other members at the recent summit because he was publicly lobbying to re-admit Putin.

So basically our Foreign Policy is deteriorating daily, we are edging further into conflicts, and closer to a nuclear incident. It would have to improve by a thousand percent just to be upgraded to a dumpster fire. And what are the policy experts, politicians, and concerned Americans talking about around the water cooler?

The tweet war between the president and his former National Security Advisor.

Of course that discussion is only happening among educated, sophisticated people concerned with world peace…

What are most other people talking about today? The latest episode in the soap opera saga of the football player who orchestrated a social media campaign to get released and sign with another team.

So what do you think the lesson is?


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Originally published at on September 11, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.