The True Meaning of Prosperity

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readNov 28, 2019

by Randy Gage

This is the final installment in our series about money, wealth, status, and prosperity — and the many misconceptions about them. Last time we looked at wealth, so today let’s investigate what true prosperity really is.

Prosperity is wealth on steroids, the holistic version of your wealth.

This means that manifesting prosperity in your life will include the wealth platforms we discussed in the last post. You have enough:

  • Money and assets to provide you with financial security.
  • That money and assets are set up in platforms that cause them to continually produce more money and assets.

Now you’re in the situation I described in the earlier post, where you wake up every day wealthier than you were when you went to bed the night before. You are now wealthy.

But wealthy is not prosperous. Now you must take that wealth and also integrate other nuanced aspects of prosperity. Elements such as:

  • Vibrant health.
  • Spiritual grounding.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Empowering relationships.
  • Work or a mission that brings challenge and learning to your life.

This leads you to the “sweet spot” where you truly are in gratitude for all that you do, have, and become — yet still have the passion, desire, and capacity to do, have, and become more. That is a prosperous life.

Here in the United States, it is the Thanksgiving holiday, a day we celebrate and recognize all that we are grateful for. So please allow me to thank you, the people who follow my work, challenge me, and interact: here, at my seminars, in my coaching program, and my podcast. I relish the time we spend together. Iron sharpens iron and I’m grateful to have you as a partner for growth. No matter where you are today, please take the time to celebrate what you are grateful for.


- RG

Affiliate Relationship Disclosure

Originally published at on November 28, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.