Things that Destroy Your Self-Worth

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readJun 18, 2019

by Randy Gage

Last post we looked at how people can punish or self-sabotage themselves because they have worthiness issues. Their self-worth is so low that they consciously or subconsciously, don’t believe they deserve to be healthy, happy and prosperous. So it’s worth some more discussion on how you can actually build up your self-worth.

To begin, we have to kill off the suppressors, the things that cause you to doubt or diminish your self-worth. You have to realize that what we call pop culture is actually an addictive, destructive, and dangerous barometer to use for terms of valuing yourself. Let me break some sad news to you:

  • Your sex life will not be like those porno movies you’ve watched. Off the set, those people are wondering what they can do to spice up their own sex life.
  • More followers on Facebook and Instagram will not make you happier. It will only create the pressure of trying to convince yet more people that you are happy.
  • Having six people lusting after your body will not make you feel secure. On a deeper level, you know that looks are superficial and transitory.
  • Earning more money will not increase your self-worth. The way in which you earn money, the actual service and value you create with your work, has a much stronger effect on how you view yourself.
  • Likewise, you can get breast or pec implants, a nose job, and Botox away all of your wrinkles. You are still you, and the value and worth with which you hold yourself will not change, because you know that the real you hasn’t changed.
  • You will not be as sage, charming, and kind as the characters on your favorite sit-com. That shit is make-believe.

The common denominator in all these things is that they are external factors. And your self-worth can never come from things outside of yourself. It must come from the inside. Which is what we will explore on the next post.. Until then, love to see your comments below.

- RG

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Originally published at on June 18, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.