Think Different for Prosperity

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readFeb 13, 2021

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / February 13, 2021

What is the role of thought — your mindset and beliefs about money — in your ability to manifest a prosperous life? Waaay more important than millions of people realize.

Many dismiss mindset as happy talk or underestimate the real role your foundational beliefs play in creating your reality. Such ignorance is always punished. An alarming number of people are sick, broke, and unhappy, eking out subsistence incomes. They have been told what to think for so long, they no longer know how to think. If you want to achieve prosperity and success, you need to practice critical thinking: questioning premises and sometimes being a contrarian.

You may be programmed to be an employee when your real gift would be entrepreneurship. Or you may have bought into the belief that all the real players are startup founders and entrepreneurs, but your best course of action would be in the employee category. You may believe you need money to make money, you have to know certain people, or need to attend a prestigious university. These are common beliefs, but erroneous ones.

The vast majority of people have been brainwashed with many negative and limiting beliefs about money and success, most of which they aren’t even aware they possess. Everything they do in life is impacted in a detrimental way by those beliefs. If 30 years of studying success has taught me anything, it is this:

Wealthy people think differently than broke people. Sick people think differently than healthy people. Happy people think differently than depressed people.

Unless and until you accept those truths, prosperity will continue to evade you. It’s critical that you question what you read and hear. Evaluate the source of any information and if there are any hidden agendas. Analyze why the masses think the way they do. More importantly, look for the results between what they believe and the results they’re producing. Then drill it down further, to the people closest to you, the ones who probably influence the beliefs you’ve created. The next step is pretty simple, yet profound…

If you’re surrounded by healthy, successful, prosperous people — you want to think like they do. But if you’re surrounded with unhealthy, struggling, broke people — you need to start thinking different.

Lots more about this subject on the next Prosperity Livestream. Details here.


- RG

Previous post: Prosperity Is Your Birthright

Originally published at on February 13, 2021.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.