Why Religion is Evil — Part 3

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
3 min readOct 13, 2019

by Randy Gage

In the last post we discussed the fear, judgment, hate and intolerance organized religion fosters and feeds. Now let’s look into the next thing that makes it evil in my view Which is…

The low self-esteem, fearful mindset, and worthiness issues which are produced in the believers.

These issues may be the most self-destructive and anti-prosperity result of all. Whether we look at the Christian concept of original sin, the Buddhist 8-fold path, the Hindu doctrine of karma, the Jewish Covenant, or the Muslim Code of Law, they all are set up with the basic presupposition that you are a flawed being who needs salvation.

Just think about what a negative and disempowering mindset that is to possess. You’re born defective and need to work your whole live to be redeemed. Does that strike you as spiritual and empowering? If this concept of being born flawed is what you are taught beginning at four or five years old, is it any wonder that you would grow up with worthiness issues? Low self-esteem, fear-based consciousness, and a tendency to self-sabotage?

  • If you went to a Catholic school and the nuns told you that you were born a sorry sinner — what are the odds you are going to grow up with healthy self-esteem?
  • If you are a Hindu who believes this time around, you were reincarnated to pay penance because you were a horse thief in your last go-around — what are the chances you’re going let yourself be successful?
  • If you’re a Buddhist who believes you must go through 129 lifetimes to find enlightenment — and you’re only on lifetime 111 — what are the odds that you’re going to let yourself become wealthy this time?

I could go on almost forever, but you get the point. You may find it hard to believe that you are self-sabotaging yourself in your 30s, 40s, or 50s because of core foundation beliefs you were programmed with before you were nine years old, but I see it all the time.

People with worthiness issues:

  • Blow up their marriages;
  • Sabotage their promotions or careers;
  • Fall prey to destructive addictions;
  • Destroy their finances; and,
  • Commit suicide.

And they have no idea that they’re doing it. They go deeper into organized religion, desperate to turn their lives around, not realizing that it is religion which is causing their dysfunction in the first place. LGBTQ kids are killing themselves in droves because they’re brainwashed by religious leaders to believe they are a mistake or even an abomination. There’s nothing spiritual about this; it is unspeakable evil.

One of the greatest steps you can take to become healthy, happy, and prosperous is to do some serious critical thinking about your religious beliefs. Analyze what subliminal programming you were infected with from them. There you will find many clues on what has caused you to create the results you have in your life right now.

The sad truth is, several billion people are members of a mind-control cult and don’t realize it. Most of these religious cults mean well. Some are more benevolent than others. But the net effect they’re creating in the world today is ant-prosperity, anti-humanity, and thus evil.

We need a cure for religion. We need to understand why intelligent, rational people willingly suspend their critical thinking abilities to enter a state of phantasmagoria, infected with mind viruses which cause them to practice self-destructive behavior. That’s what I want to explore in some future posts. Until then, please check in with your thoughts below.

- RG

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Originally published at https://www.randygage.com on October 13, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo. http://www.randygage.com/