Working Hard to Stay Broke

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readMar 3, 2019

Home | Blog | Working Hard to Stay Broke

By Randy Gage in Success, Prosperity.

If you live in the third world, it takes real effort to become wealthy. But it’s certainly doable. And truth is, it takes real effort in the second or first world too. It’s supposed to. But here’s the shocking reality…

If you live in the first world, you have to work really hard to remain poor. (Which often infuriates people when I say that.)

I realize (from first-hand experience) that being born in poverty is a condition of birth for millions. But we now live in the greatest time in human history. There has never been a better time to leave poverty behind and even create great wealth.

It has become so easy to become a millionaire today that the feat has almost become meaningless. There are literally tens of thousands of millionaires. And more every week.

Here are some of the things you have to do to remain poor. To stay broke, you have to believe that:

  • You need money to make money.
  • There is some “secret” to riches that people aren’t telling you.
  • You need a special degree, education, or connections to be successful.
  • Earning money is hard.
  • You have no knowledge, skill or experience that people would trade money for.
  • Wealth comes from physical labor instead of ideas.
  • That you are incapable of adding value or solving problems. Or,
  • All of the above.

Do you realize just how hard that is?


Tags: Success, prosperity consciousness, wealth, self-belief, prosperity, poverty

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Originally published at on March 3, 2019.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.