Your Inner Dialogue…

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readMar 23, 2018

Home | Blog | Your Inner Dialogue…

By Randy Gage in Critical Thinking, Success, Prosperity.

In yesterday’s post I said everything in your life depends on how you represent it to yourself — the “inner dialogue” you use with yourself.

So how does that play out?

Someone near and dear to me, hired one of those webinar gurus on Facebook and joined his coaching program. After four weeks of lessons, he sent in his first attempt at a webinar for critique. The coach told him it was good to go and could be released as is.

So naturally my friend was elated, proud of his amazing progress, and could wait to put his webinar out to the world.

Ah, no.

When I spoke to him, he was depressed, and thought he wasn’t really getting his money’s worth from his coach because he didn’t give him a tough critique.

Like us all, he faced a situation, and could play either one of two default settings:

  • The positive one where he embraced his own talent and accept the compliment.
  • Or the negative one, where he questioned the motives of his coach and demeaned his own talent.

I’m not writing this to call out my Boo. (In fact he’s probably going to slap me into next week, when he sees this.) But to highlight the choice we all face, a thousand times a day, with the inner dialogue we share with ourselves.

I could just have easily done a post showcasing how I automatically jump to the negative conclusion myself. (Cancel, cancel, let me not affirm that. Let’s say, how in the past, I would automatically default to the negative conclusion.) And of course I am really writing this for…


What is the inner dialogue you tell yourself? What is your default setting? And how can you improve that dialogue, to manifest better results in your career and life?


Tags: abundance, goals, Success, success training, happiness, health, prosperity, self-talk

Originally published at on March 23, 2018.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.