Your “Sacred Circle” Determines Your Prosperity

Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success
2 min readDec 8, 2020

by Randy Gage

Posted By: Randy Gage / December 8, 2020

How much do you think your spouse or life partner impacts the level of prosperity you manifest in life? What about your best friend, co-workers, or softball team? If you didn’t answer, “massively,” you’re ignorant of some extremely critical information…

Because the people you associate with do have a massive impact in how you think, the beliefs you develop, and the ultimate choices you make in your life. And that thinking process, those beliefs and the choices they cause you to make, will determine the amount of prosperity you create (or don’t) for yourself. Jim Rohn famously suggested your income would be the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Let me take that further and suggest that this principle holds true in all areas of your prosperity…

Your levels of health, happiness, and harmony, and the quality of your relationships, marriage, and career, will be the average of your “sacred circle” — the five people and/or couples you spend the most time with. It’s almost shocking how predictable it really is. Note: Be aware that sometimes this sacred circle may include people you don’t spend a large amount of time with, but they are very influential in your thinking, such as a spiritual leader, professor, or mentor.

Do you share a cubicle for eight hours a day with a cynical jerk? One of your five spots is already spoken for. Are you in an abusive or controlling relationship? Two of your five slots are already filled. Now you’re in a difficult position and need to choose between two options. Option one is trying to find three other close contacts who are so angelic, saintly, and positive that they can override all of the negativity you’re being exposed to in those other two core relationships. Or option two, which is to remove some or all of the exposure you’re receiving from the two who are toxic. That might mean spending less time with them, or it could mean removing them from your life.

Have you thought about this mindfully? If someone asked who is in your sacred circle right now, could you answer immediately, or would you be spitting and sputtering, reaching for the answer? Now that you’ve actually thought about it, what does the character and quality of the people in your sacred circle portend for your future prosperity?

One more thing…

Actually, a promise: I’m here for you. Obviously, I can’t spend one-on-one time with everyone. But through this blog, my podcast, new book, and newsletter, I’ll try my best to be accessible as one of the people you entrust to your sacred circle.


- RG

Originally published at on December 8, 2020.



Randy Gage
Prosperity & Success

Entrepreneur. Author. Jedi Knight. Fighting the forces of evil, one post at a time. Gimme a clap, yo.