Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital
Published in
9 min readApr 18, 2018


By Meleeza Rathnayake

“To live tomorrow start recycling today!”

Have you ever imagined a world with no pure oxygen to breathe?

Have you ever imagined a world with no pure water to consume?

Have you ever imagined a world with no natural food?

She will cry, she will bleed with pain, she will yell at you for help, she will curse you and you will not be forgiven for the crimes you have done.

Everything that exists has feelings. Going beyond the limit and destroying their sensitivity is a criminal offence. We as her dependents has no right to harm Mother Nature, but knowingly or unknowingly we have crossed our limits.

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse changes. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as the point source or non-point source of pollution. In 2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the world. Major forms of pollution includes: air pollution, light pollution, littering, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, water pollution.

Environmental pollution is one the greatest challenges the world faces today. It began during the industrial revolution and continues to increase day by day causing irreparable damage to Mother Earth. Environmental pollution has its own causes, effects and solutions. Identification of the causes and enables one decide what steps can be taken to mitigate the effects. Broadly, environmental pollution consists of six basic types of pollution, i.e. air, water, land, soil, noise, and light.

When people think of environmental pollution, most focus on fossil fuel and carbon emissions, but there are different contributing factors. Chemical pollution in bodies of water contributes to illnesses. Electromagnetic pollution has effects on human health but is uncommonly considered in present times despite the fact we essentially expose ourselves to it on a daily basis. Taking a look at causes and effects of environmental pollution will pull any mind on a rapid downward spiral. Solutions are in the works and, if we work together across the world, there is hope remaining, at least for the time being.

In all of these, have you ever thought what the future will behold? “If we harm the environment, we are going to be punished severely”. This was something we all learnt in our childhood. Maybe you don’t care about the world or your friends and family, but its high time you give a ‘DAMN’ about yourself.

1. Effects on Humans: The effects of environmental pollution on humans are mainly physical, but can also turn into neuronal-affections in the long term. The best-known troubles to us are respiratory, in the form of allergies, asthma, irritation of the eyes and nasal passages, or other forms of respiratory infections. Notably, these well spread affections can be observed when air pollution is high in cities, when the weather gets hot, for instance. On top of that, environmental pollution has been proven to be a major factor for cancer development. For example, this can happen when we eat reminiscences of pollutants used in the production of processed foods or pesticides from crops. Other rarer diseases includes hepatitis, typhoid affections, diarrhea and hormonal disruptions.

2. Effects on Animals: Environmental pollution affects animal by causing harm to their living environment making it toxic for them to live in. Pollution leads to acid rains which change the chemical composition of water bodies making them toxic for fishes. Nitrogen and phosphates in water will cause an overgrowth of algae disruption aquatic ecosystems. Eventually, soil pollution causes harm and sometimes even the destroys soil-based microorganisms, which can have a dramatic effect of killing the first layers of the primary food chain.

3. Effects on Plants: As for plants, and especially trees can be destroyed by acid rains , plant respiration can be blocked due to the ozone in the lower atmosphere, and harmful pollutants can be absorbed from the water or soil.

4. Effects on the Ecosystem: In short, environmental pollution, almost exclusively created by human activities, has a negative effect on the ecosystem, destroying crucial layers of it and causing an even more damage to the upper layers.

So it’s time you address yourself. Get out of bed and set your way for a healthy life.

If each one of us can actually look into the issue subjectively and take steps individually. I assure you that we will make a huge impact together.

The most graceful solution we can all contribute to is “Recycling”. By recycling we can avoid many issues and take advantages for our daily lives.

During your lifetime, you’ll produce trash over 600 times your own weight enough to fill a good few trucks. The staggering statistic might not be such a problem if we didn’t have to live on a relatively small, overcrowded planet. Pretty much all the resources we have on earth, the raw materials and an awful lot of the energy are limited: once we’ve used them up, we won’t get any more. So it makes sense to use things as wisely as we can.

The best way to use Earth’s resources more sensibly is to reduce the amount of material use (for example, less packaging on food in shops) and to reuse things instead of throwing them away (reusing carrier bags at the grocery store makes a lot of sense). If we can’t reduce or reuse product, recycling them is a far better solution than simply tossing them out in the trash.

If everyone reduced, reused, and recycled, we could elongate the lifespan of earth’s resources. Recycling saves materials, reduces the need to landfill and incinerate, cuts down pollution, and helps make the environment more attractive. It also creates jobs, because recycling require more effort than making new things. Recycling doesn’t just save materials: it saves energy too. Manufacturing things uses a lot of energy from power plants and hungry power plants generally make global warming worse.

We can save a surprising amount of energy by recycling. If you recycle a single aluminum, you save about 95 percent of the energy it would take to make a brand new one! That’s enough energy saved to power your television for about 3 hours! You’ll often hear people say that over half the trash we throw away can be recycled. Looking at the chart below, you can see that we currently recycle somewhere between 30 to 90 percent of the various different materials we use. Just imagine if everyone were recycling most of their garbage, together we’d be making a tremendous reduction in the amount of raw materials and energy we discard. It would do a lot of good to the planet but I would like to state that Prosperous Capital and Credit Limited has taken great initiatives to save the earth by the P3 concept.

The P3 concept stands for People, Planet and Profit which is known as the Sustainable Concept Triple Bottom Line (TBL), People for Social Performance, Planet for Environmental Performance, Profit for Financial Performance. The term was coined by John Elkington in 1994. PCCL has taken very rigid steps towards building a human force to improve the living standards of rural families through productive socioeconomic opportunities.

PCCL achieves this objective in a very breathtaking manner as it provides sustainable microfinance solutions by supporting livelihoods in the agricultural sector by implementing a home gardening program(Haritha) , providing green loans to purchase solar power panels and bio gas units as well as to implement income-generating activities that create a positive environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions. Other than it all, PCCL has taken major steps in bringing you the latest technology . This latest piece of technology will solve all the environmental issues automatically. Join PCCL in adapting the Block chain technology.

One strong example is as follows,

In the current system, the environmental impact of each product is difficult to determine, and its carbon footprint is not factored into the price. This means that there is little incentive for consumers to buy products with a low carbon footprint, and little incentive for companies to sell such products.

Tracking the carbon footprint of each product using the block chain would protect this data from being tampered and it can be used to determine the amount of carbon tax to be charged on at the point of sale. If a product with a large carbon footprint is more expensive to buy, this would encourage buyers to buy products that are more environmental friendly and would therefore encourage companies to restructure their supply chains to meet the demand for such products. A block chain-based reputation system could also give each company and product a score based on the carbon footprint of the products they sell. This would make manufacturing more transparent and discourage wasteful and environmentally unfriendly practices .

Traditional power grids are centralized, which results in inefficient energy distribution, like having unused surplus. In parts of the world affected by natural disasters or poverty, power outages can leave people without access to electricity. A peer to peer block chain based energy system is a potential solution to this concern. The system would reduce the need to transmit electricity over long distances, which can result in losses along the way. It would also help reduce the need for energy storage because such trading can move electricity locally from where it’s being produced in excess to where it’s needed. A transactive grid is a joint venture between ConsenSys and LO3 Energy that is working on a block chain platform that solves this problem.SunContract is a block chain-based peer-to-peer energy trading platform for solar and other renewables.

Power plant installations are expensive and are often financed by governments of large private companies. A block chain-based platform could enable institutions, companies, and individuals to get returns from directly investing in renewable energy installations in their area and around the world. EcoChain is a block chain dApp being developed, which aims to do just that — create a platform for people to invest in renewables and get a return on their investment. Electric Chain is another block chain platform with several apps like Solar Coin, which aims to incentivize solar installations around the world. When it comes to recycling as well the block chain technology can create a bigger impact than you think.

When it comes to recycling, with the current recycling programs people often don’t have good incentives to participate. The responsibility for running recycling programs often falls on each separate city, which results in many places not having recycling programs at all. It is also difficult to track and compare the impact of these programs.

A recycling program on the block chain could encourage participation by giving a financial reward in the form of a cryptographic token in exchange for deposing recyclables like plastic containers, cans, or bottles. Similar setups already exist in several places around the world, particularly in Northern Europe.

It would make it easier to transparently track data like volume, cost, and profit, and to evaluate the impact of each location, company, or individual participating in the program.

Social Plastic (aka Plastic Bank) is a project that is turning plastic into currency by setting up collection centers in third world countries, where people can deposit used plastic in exchange for currency, services like phone charging, or items like cooking fuel. They aim to clean up the world from plastic waste while alleviating poverty. They are now working on a block chain-powered app that will allow people to exchange plastic for cryptographic tokens.

RecycleToCoin is another block chain dApp in development that will enable people to return their used plastic containers in exchange for a token, through automated machines in Europe and around the world.

Join PCCL and together let’s save the earth.









Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital

Prosperous Capital & Credit Limited (PCCL) is an award wining sustainable driven Micro and SME Finance organization in Sri Lanka.