Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2018


By Meleeza Rathnayake

“Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we cannot eat money”

Manmade global warming! The biggest scam in the history of mankind to fulfill its greed. We are all dependents of the environment. We were born to the environment as a part of it, and then why are we destroying it?

Yes! You can’t change the past but surely you can change the future!

Every day, blindly we pollute the environment in many ways not knowing what the effects are! We pollute our mother nature not knowing what it’ll lead us to, we tend to fulfill all our selfish motives through the nature and abuse it harshly leaving it in pain. Do you think this is right? Because if we don’t change our attitudes, forget forgiveness.

I guess the choice is ours!

Environmental pollution is currently the biggest challenge the world is facing today.

In the world 40% of rivers and 46% of lakes are too polluted for fishing, swimming, and aquatic life. Not surprisingly though when 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated storm water, industrial waste, and untreated sewage are being discharge annually into the waters.

One third of earth’s topsoil is already degraded, and with the current rate of soil degradation caused by improper agricultural and industrial practices, and deforestation, most of the world’s topsoil could be gone within the next 60 years.

The Great Smog in 1952 killed 8000 people in London. This event was caused by a period of cold weather combined with windless conditions that formed a dense layer of airborne pollutants, mostly from coal plants, over the city. There are many sources of pollution and each one has its own effect on the environment and living organisms.

As we all know one strong way to get it all into a linear process is the 3R concept and the best part is, the 4th industrial revolution is helping us all stay away from the devastating ways of environmental pollution , this is why the block chain technology is going to change your life.

The popular and well-known concept of “3R” refers to reduce, reuse and recycle, particularly in the context of production and consumption. It calls for an increase in the ratio of recyclable materials, further reusing of raw materials and manufacturing wastes, and an overall reduction in resources and energy use. These ideas are applied to the entire lifecycle of products and services from design, extraction of raw materials to transport, manufacture, use, dismantling/reuse and disposal.

Waste, and how we choose to handle it, affects our world’s environment that is your environment too. The environment is everything around you including the air, water, land, plants, and manmade objects. And since by now you probably know that you need a healthy environment for your own health and happiness, you can understand why effective waste management is so important to you and everyone else. The waste we create has to be carefully controlled to be sure that it does not harm the environment and human health health, so join PCCL in bringing you the best in the 21st century, PCCL has always taken initiatives to do justice to the 3R concept by separating their garbage in all of their branches and has signed agreements with the external companies around Sri Lanka to do the process of recycling. PCCL has always helped each one of us in living a peaceful life, it’s time you join us!

With the current recycling programs, people often don’t have good incentives to participate. The responsibility for running recycling programs often falls on each separate city, which results in many places not having recycling programs at all. It’s also difficult to track and compare the impact of these programs.

A recycling program on the block chain could encourage participation by giving a financial reward in the form of a cryptographic token in exchange for depositing recyclables like plastic containers, cans, or bottles. Similar setups already exist in several places around the world, particularly in Northern Europe.

It would make it easy to transparently track data like volume, cost, and profit, and to evaluate the impact of each location, company, or individual participating in the program.

Social Plastic (aka Plastic Bank) is a project that is turning plastic into currency by setting up collection centers in third world countries, where people can deposit used plastic in exchange for currency, services like phone charging, or items like cooking fuel. They aim to clean up the world from plastic waste while alleviating poverty. They are now working on a block chain-powered app that will allow people to exchange plastic for cryptographic tokens.

RecycleToCoin is another block chain dApp in development that will enable people to return their used plastic containers in exchange for a token, through automated machines in Europe and around the world.

The PCCL has taken one step forward in bringing you a pollution free environment.

This 2018, join the change.



Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital

Prosperous Capital & Credit Limited (PCCL) is an award wining sustainable driven Micro and SME Finance organization in Sri Lanka.