PCCL Helping People

Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2018

By Sayuri Willorage

PCCL ‘s mission is “to build a human force to develop living standards of families by providing productive socio-economic opportunities” and we have turn these words in to reality as PCCL has built a women centric work force that has a huge positive impact on the business as well as the society. Especially the lady development officers who have direct interactions with the clients are being very smart , efficient and is an asset for PCCL.
PCCL is not just another micro finance company , it’s a financial provider who gives better meaning to the lives of rural communities via micro and SME financial solutions while improving their living standards by guiding them on many aspects.

“ I did what I could to make ends meet. To supplement my husband’s income, I made various spices and sold them in the local market. But I couldn’t sustain this, as I did not have a machine to process and package the spices. My husband’s and my humble savings were not enough to make the purchase. Then PCCL came my way. They provided me with a loan of LKR 25,000, and I bought the machine. Business picked up, and I eventually had to buy spare parts for the machine. PCCL’s second loan of LKR 50,000 covered that, and the business has been expanding slowly but surely. I’m able to sell my spices to more markets and in other towns as well. “
-Thanuja Harshani-

This is just one success story of PCCL’s micro loans. There are plenty of such stories of underprivileged women entrepreneurs who found their way of living with the support of PCCL .PCCL gives hope for rural communities, people who are unable to get a loan from either corporate or even from government banks as they cannot meet the collateral requirements of these financial institutes. PCCL aids them by financially scaling up their business through micro and SME loans. That encourages women become financially independent with a strong backing for their families rather than limiting themselves to the role of the house wife. PCCL has given a new meaning to their lives with these financial solutions.

“ Keeping my micro weaving business afloat was difficult. Given its small scale, I couldn’t approach any bank for a loan. PCCL helped me. With the loan they gave me, I was able to buy a greater quantity of raw material for weaving. This increased our family’s income. “
-Sriyawiram Ramakrishnan-

Where we live, elephants tend to enter the village and destroy crops and property. And one day, this happened to us. Elephants attacked our shop. The walls crumbled and the roof caved in. It’s a miracle my husband and I survived. We didn‘t have the money to reconstruct our shop and life was difficult. This changed when we met a development officer from PCCL. She gave us a loan of LKR 25,000, which helped us to move our shop to a new location and buy the products we needed to set it up again. Later, they gave us a second loan of LKR 25,000 to reconstruct the shop. We’re earning a steady income now, and life is better. “
-GHDS Kumari-

Being empathetic is one great quality that PCCL has maintained over the years which has lead us to reach more and more such victimized women entrepreneurs. PCCL has provided micro loans at such incidents where by they are able to build up their lives from scratch. Regular meet ups with the clients through community meetings as well as home visits by lady development officers makes this process very effective as it allows the development officers to have an in depth understanding about the client problems. All the development officers being women further makes the process even more powerful as women entrepreneurs find it very comfortable and secure to talk of their issues with lady development officers.

I’m a micro business woman who makes sweet Jaffna Jaggery for living. There was a time I struggled financially because I didn’t have enough money for production to meet the demand of customers. I went to many corporate as well as government banks asking for a loan but none of them gave me a loan and I thought I would never be able to develop my business. But one day I met a PCCL lady development officer that changed my life unbelievably as I was told that they offer loans for underprivileged women like me. They not only provided a loan for me but also guided me on how I could use it wisely on my business. Thanks to PCCL, today I have developed my jaggery business successfully.
-Lakshmi Selwarajan-

PCCL not only provides micro finance and SME financial solutions but also equip them with all the technical knowledge on the business that leads them to rise in the competitive market, be it in farming, organic food production, pottery making , tailoring, clothing market stalls etc. PCCL conducts training sessions, workshops, regular home visits in order to keep them on track and help them get the best out of the loans and knowledge being provided.
Another aspect that has improved in the rural communities with the emerge of PCCL is that they have gained the knowledge on financial literacy. They have started to keep recordings of their transactions, maintaining savings etc that ensures the financial security and also makes them confident on managing financials.

“I live in Thissapura , a faraway village in Sri Lanka.I used to do pottery for many years and earned a satisfactory living for my children and myself, with years passing by I needed some financial support to continue my career in pottery. I couldn’t do it anymore with my bare hands ,I went on requesting for loans from many institutions and banks in my country but none could do anything for me because I was already financially unstable. Then luckily I met ‘Prosperous Capital and Credit Limited’ who lended me with LKR 75,000 to do my needful, my dreams came to reality and today my children and myself are living a satisfactory life because PCCL made things easier by lending me money to buy the Machinery items I needed.” -Seetha Manike-

Unlike other finance providers, PCCL covers a wider range of social aspects as a social responsible finance provider. While supporting rural communities with loans and technical support , we guide them on improving their living standard in terms of PR, health, education etc. Offering scholarships, conducting health camps, encouraging communities on the benefits on organic food consumption through green programs are some of the projects that are conducted by PCCL with the purpose of improving living standards of rural communities.



Prosperousca IO
Prosperous Capital

Prosperous Capital & Credit Limited (PCCL) is an award wining sustainable driven Micro and SME Finance organization in Sri Lanka.