How You Can Celebrate World Environment Day

Protect Coyote Valley
Protect Coyote Valley
3 min readJun 5, 2018

It’s almost Summer, and what better time to visit Coyote Valley and help us celebrate World Environment Day? World Environment Day is the biggest global annual event for positive environmental action and takes place every June 5th. It covers everything from stopping the illegal wildlife trade to beating plastic pollution! World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly, and it’s now a global celebration and a global platform for public outreach.

Why Celebrate?

World Environment Day gives us the special opportunity to reconnect with nature, to raise awareness, and to take action. It’s easy to forget how many natural systems support our own well-being and how much we depend on them. Today’s the perfect occasion to not only go out and enjoy Coyote Valley, but to also hike up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and lend a helping hand to Mother Nature. Here are a few ways you can take care of this little place we call home.

How to Celebrate

  1. Choose Green

Simplify your life as much as possible. Only keep belongings that you use on a regular basis. By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less and create less waste. When you do make purchases, choose the green alternative. Choose a bamboo toothbrush instead of a traditional plastic one, ask for no straws when you go out to eat, and take your reusable water bottle instead of picking up a disposable one. Bonus points if you buy used products!

2. Recycle

Nobody is perfect, and sometimes we need to order an item online and get stuck with some cardboard and plastic. When you do, please recycle. This might seem like a basic tip, but there are often many opportunities in our daily routine to recycle that are overlooked. And even when we do recycle, errors prevent many items from being properly recycled. Next time you’re thinking about throwing that piece of paper in the trash because a recycling bin isn’t accessible, think twice. Holding a plastic container and too lazy to see if it’s one of the biodegradable kinds? Open up your smartphone and look it up! If you live in the city of San Jose, check out this helpful guide on disposal!

3. Volunteer

Anyone can volunteer, and volunteering can make a difference to the whole community. Get out of your comfort zone by volunteering with the Protect Coyote Valley team. Stand up for Coyote Valley is one of our best volunteering opportunities, building a base of supporters ready to defend Coyote Valley from the next industrial development proposal. Sign up here!

More Than Just Today

More and more people are starting to understand that we need to sustainably manage our planet’s resources and ecosystems. However, that belief is far from universal. That’s why World Environment Day is just a start. Even after today, places like Coyote Valley will need your help and support. Get involved and STAY involved to keep making this world a little bit brighter.

