Against COVID-19, we are #SaferTogether

European Commission
EU Protection and Aid
3 min readApr 19, 2021
Women waiting to receive medical care at the Kyaka II settlement, Uganda. © Stéphane Lagoutte/MYOP. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.

The spread of COVID-19 has presented a global challenge like no other. For the most vulnerable people in many regions of the world, this challenge is one of daily survival.

Globally the pandemic has further increased already existing humanitarian needs. In face of these challenges, the EU, especially through its humanitarian aid support, is acting on different fronts.

In 2020, the European Union launched an ambitious, global effort to limit the impact of COVID-19 among the world’s most vulnerable people. So far, the EU together with its Member States and financial institutions (Team Europe) has mobilised over €38.5 billion to fight the coronavirus on a global scale.

This funding is keeping people alive: it provides food, housing, and access to clean water. It also funds ambulances, doctors, hospitals, COVID-19 testing and quarantine centres. It is protecting young parents and their children, orphans and grandparents, along with their communities, and even entire regions of the world.

Monitoring the pandemic in densely populated areas is vital. From left to right: Uganda, Bangladesh and Haiti. © Stéphane Lagoutte, Olivier Laban-Mattei and Guillaume Binet/MYOP. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.

#SaferTogether: real people, real stories, real impact

To shed a light on the impact of COVID-19 around the world and raise awareness on its work, the EU has partnered with the photo agency MYOP. The result of this partnership is the #SaferTogether campaign.

The campaign consists of five photo reportages. Renowned photographers visited countries where the EU is currently working to ensure protection, access to shelters, assistance and provides humanitarian aid to people.

To battle the COVID-19 crisis , the EU works closely with partner governments and humanitarian organisations around the world. As a result, many vulnerable people receive the aid they need to survive and stay healthy.

Behind each person helped, there is a name and a story.

Minonga, Aisha, Valeria, Wisner, Jaan, Mwamini are one of the many people helped by the EU across the globe and whom the photographers met. Left to right, top to bottom: Uganda, Lebanon, Ecuador, Haiti, Bangladesh, Uganda. © MYOP. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.

Meet Valeria, a young Colombian who escaped to Ecuador for safety. We then travel to Haiti to meet Wisner who tells us how COVID-19 impacted his journey when he fled poverty in his country. In Uganda, we listen to the stories of the Congolese refugees Mwamini and Mimonga. Jaan, a young Rohingya refugee who now lives in Bangladesh shares his story. In Lebanon, Salim and Aisha tell us how the pandemic has changed their lives.

No crisis occurs in isolation. The COVID-19 pandemic shows the risks of living in an interconnected world EU efforts to protect refugees and migrants demonstrate that this interconnectedness has also given us an opportunity: by helping others, we build a better world for all.

Dalis’ family has to flee Colombia has violence escalated around them. They found shelter in Ecuador. © Agnès Dherbeys/MYOP. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions.



European Commission
EU Protection and Aid

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