NFT Basics: What is an NFT?

Stephanie Itimi
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2023


Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

NFT Basics 101

Imagine if you are able to purchase a work of digital art on the Web for an affordable fee and that you also get a one-of-a-kind digital token that demonstrates your ownership of the artwork that you purchased. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Now, however, there is the possibility to do so because of NFTs.

You have found the perfect destination if you have an interest in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and want to learn more about what constitutes NFTs. Let’s dig in and find out what all the commotion is about, shall we?

What exactly is NFT?

Non-fungible tokens, abbreviated as NFT, are digital assets that cannot be exchanged for other currencies and are often developed using the same kind of blockchain-based programming that underpins cryptocurrencies. In layman’s terms, the technology behind these cryptographic assets is referred to as blockchain. They cannot be swapped for other cryptographic assets or traded in the same manner as other cryptocurrencies.

In the same vein as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Because it has its own distinctive qualities, it is referred to by the abbreviation NFT, which stands for non-fungible and unalterable. Both fiat cash and cryptocurrencies are fungible, that indicates that they can be exchanged or swapped for one another just as easily as…

