A biology lab desk with a laptop.

Intermediate Python for Busy Scientists

(is there any other type of scientist?)

Sean Aubin
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2021


Although there are many Python tutorials for beginners and scientists, there aren’t any that guide a fledgling Scientific Pythonista through the wide range of Python features and tools. After you’ve mastered functions and familiarized yourself with classes, where do you go from here?

This is a common story among scientists arriving at ProteinQure. Luckily, we have some small changes that can lead to substantial quality of life improvements for our scientists.

This series will cover general Python concepts to be understood and immediately used by scientists. They are based on the 5 years I’ve spent developing, as well as teaching others to use, Python code for running computational simulations and analyzing data. Most importantly, the posts in this series are broken up into 20-minute chunks while saving you multiple hours of effort in return.

Posts in series

(to be updated as the posts are uploaded)



Sean Aubin

NeuroPunk, Software Nurse and Human Systems enthusiast.