[September Week 5] Weekly Report

Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2022

Hi, guys!

This is a Weekly Report that comprehensively delivers the major announcements and development status of Protocon last week. Let’s check the development status together this week to see what updates are available.

1. Protocon Mainnet Development Status

• Completed

- Update MITUM FeeFi Model

- Update MITUM NFT Model

- Update MITUM Javascript SDK

- Update Protocon Explorer

• In progress

- Testing MITUM Node Performance

- Update MITUM Currency Model

- Update MITUM Java SDK

- Update MITUM Python SDK

2. BlockSign Development Status

• In progress

- BlockSign distribution / Real-server testing

3. Protocon Wallet Development Status

• In progress

- FeeFi service development

- Protocon Wallet Web(Demo) & App QA

4. DeFi Development Status

• In progress

- DeFi service development

5. NFT Project Status

• Completed

- Uncover legendaries

• In progress

- Developing NFT landing page

- Uncover network

- Network Introduction

- Uncover legendaries
- NFT Whitelist guerrilla events

- NFT Whitelist event Winners Announcement

6. Protocon General

• Completed

- Protocon single-page introduction paper

- Participated in a congress policy debate

- Ended 2nd PEN staking pool

• In progress

- Open 3rd PEN staking pool

- Participate in Token 2049 Singapore

- Planning Community Events

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