CrossFi and Protofire: Enhancing Finance in DeFi!
Protofire Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2024


Buckle up because CrossFi and Protofire are here to redefine finance in Web3. Imagine a platform that combines the stability of traditional finance with the innovation of DeFi, all wrapped up in a user-friendly package. That’s the magic of CrossFi!

About CrossFi

Built on a fortress-like foundation, CrossFi can handle a million transactions per second — that’s faster than you can say “decentralized finance.” And security? Forget Fort Knox, this is Fort Awesome!

The CrossFi xApp is your one-stop shop for all things crypto.

Think of it as your personal crypto bank, but it is user-friendly and easy to use.

Basically, it’s your money, your way.

Protofire Role: Helping the Network

Protofire plays a vital role in ensuring the CrossFi network’s continued growth and integrity by acting as a validator. Validators are the backbone of any blockchain network, responsible for securing transactions and maintaining the overall health of the system. This requires significant computational resources and a deep understanding of blockchain dynamics.

Our commitment to running a validator node extends beyond just contributing to network stability and trust. Our involvement also helps optimize transaction validation times and network fees. This active participation underscores Protofire’s dedication to the advancement of blockchain technology and its applications within the DeFi space.

The Power Couple of DeFi

The team-up between CrossFi and Protofire is like Batman and Robin! This collaboration brings some major perks to the table (or blockchain, as it were):

  • Security:
    With Protofire’s validator squad on the case, CrossFi transactions are about as secure as Fort Knox with extra lasers. Sleep soundly knowing your crypto is under guard by the best in the business.
  • Faster transactions:
    Forget waiting in line like a chump. Protofire helps the network move faster than a Ferrari on nitrous oxide. Transactions will be zipping through so quickly!
  • Going Global, DeFi Style:
    As CrossFi keeps adding new features and integrations, having Protofire’s backing is like having a VIP pass to the DeFi party. More users, more developers — it’s a win-win for everyone!

Your Role: Stake or Validate

When it’s time to interact with CrossFi infra you have 2 options, according to your technical style! You can either run a validator yourself or stake your money in an existing validator (mmm hello, Protofire!).

If you go the more advanced route of configuring a validator on the CrossFi chain, you’ll first need to set up a full node and then upgrade it to a validator role. Just make sure your system can keep up with hardware requirements, install everything you need and configure it! It may seem a lot of work (and it could be) but you’ll learn about it in the process!

Once your full node is operational, you can generate a validator key, submit a create-validator transaction, and bond some tokens to activate your validator status. Of course, remember to monitor and maintain periodically your node to ensure it remains secure and working!

For detailed steps, you can always visit the official guide here.

Of course, if you get bored just by reading the instructions, you can leave the hard work in the hands of professionals (ehem) and just stake your money to any delegator you see in the CrossFi scan here. Remember to do some due diligence in order to choose a responsible one with a proven track record to avoid losing any tokens!

Looking Forward

As CrossFi continues to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible within DeFi, collaborations like the one with Protofire are essential for realizing the full potential of decentralized financial services. Together, they are setting new standards for interoperability and performance in blockchain technology.


Protofire Blog

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