Oasis Safe on Oasis Sapphire

Protofire Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023

A complete overview

We are excited to announce the successful deployment of Gnosis Safe on Oasis Sapphire. Gnosis Safe aimed to create a trusted custody option for asset management on EVM-compatible networks, providing high-net-worth individuals, companies, holders, funds, developers, DAOs, and investors with a programmable and secure wallet to store digital assets.

The deployment of Safe on Oasis Sapphire was completed in April 2023, and both staging (https://safe.stg.oasis.io) and production (https://safe.oasis.io) environments are stable, up and running. With this deployment, the Oasis community now benefits from a smart contract wallet that has passed the highest possible security standards in the industry, including Formal Verification.

One key benefit of deploying Safe on Oasis Sapphire is achieving confidentiality while maintaining EVM compatibility. This is accomplished by leveraging the parallel runtime (ParaTime) architecture of the Oasis Network, which enables multiple runtimes to operate simultaneously, each with its own consensus mechanism and execution environment. The Sapphire ParaTime provides a confidential EVM-compatible environment, allowing Oasis Safe to take advantage of EVM-based dApps while maintaining the privacy of its users. This is achieved through secure enclaves, which isolate the execution of smart contracts and ensure that authorised parties can only access them.

So, why is Oasis Safe a game-changer? Oasis Safe is a Gnosis Safe fork deployed on the Oasis Sapphire network, providing users with a highly secure, programmable, and customisable wallet for managing digital assets. As a fork of Gnosis Safe, Oasis Safe inherits all of the features that have made Gnosis Safe one of the most trusted platforms for storing digital assets on EVM-compatible networks.

With the Oasis Safe on Oasis Sapphire deployment, users can enjoy the benefits of both platforms, including confidentiality, end-to-end encryption, confidential randomness, EVM compatibility, scalability, and low-cost fees. The Sapphire ParaTime on the Oasis Network enables easy integration with EVM-based dApps, such as DeFi, NFT, Metaverse, and crypto gaming, and provides a smart contract development environment with EVM compatibility.

Implementing Oasis Safe on the Oasis Sapphire network called for a high level of proficiency in smart contract development, consensus algorithms, and cryptography. This technical undertaking demanded a precise and specialised skill set. The Oasis architecture is designed to have a simple, robust consensus layer, connecting a handful of ParaTimes executing smart contracts. The Sapphire ParaTime, as the official confidential EVM-compatible ParaTime on the Oasis Network, provides the necessary infrastructure for Oasis Safe to function at scale.



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