Protofire Provides Implementation Services in The Graph Partnership
Protofire Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2020

To date, Protofire has built more than 20 open-source subgraphs for Ethereum and IPFS projects.

Querying blockchain data with The Graph

Protofire is happy to announce a partnership with The Graph, a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data on Ethereum and the Interplanetary File System, helping to Build Out The Graph Ecosystem.

With The Graph, developers can browse through open APIs, known as subgraphs, and query blockchain data to power their applications in a simple and fast manner. Furthermore, the GraphQL API enables developers to access historical and real-time data, retrieve information from the network, build new types of applications, and obtain tools for scaling. Some of the most interesting use cases we’ve seen for subgraphs include exchange applications, DeFi aggregators, marketplaces for arts and collectibles, as well as DAOs.

What does the partnership entail?

Under the partnership, Protofire provides implementation services for The Graph to help build subgraphs for the ecosystem. The Protofire team assists with the following processes:

  • Subgraph implementation with schema documentation and automated tests
  • Deployment to main and test networks of Ethereum and IPFS
  • Research and analysis of smart contract code and on-chain data
  • GraphQL schema definition and validation

“We have been working with Protofire for over a year, and they are a huge asset to the community. They understand DeFi and Web3 protocols in detail and continue to find creative ways to build new features and products to push the space forward. We are excited that Protofire has chosen to make The Graph a core part of their stack and recommend them highly to any teams looking to accelerate product development.” — Yaniv Tal, Co-Founder and Project Lead at The Graph

Protofire has already built over 20 subgraphs for different projects, including Compound Governance, Set Protocol, dYdX, Kyber, etc. These subgraphs are open-source, so they can be queried by any developer or project, regardless of who built the smart contracts. Projects that use subgraphs gain the following benefits:

  • Data processing in real time
  • Flexible client-server interactions
  • Support for GraphQL subscriptions
  • Access to project API documentation in the GraphQL explorer
  • Fault-tolerant and highly available infrastructure
  • Open-source community contributions and collaborations

One of the most recent additions is the UMA subgraph that features a price verification mechanism and a set of tools for generating synthetic tokens. The latter helps to create different types of financial contracts for DeFi apps, maintain governance, etc. To learn more about the Uma subgraph, please check out the project’s GitHub repo.

In addition to the above-mentioned services, the Protofire team is also building a subgraph toolkit that will facilitate new subgraphs bootstrapping.

About Protofire

Protofire, a Web3-focused division of Altoros, has proven expertise in building decentralized protocols and developer platforms to accelerate growth of their ecosystems. By delivering hands-on coding and contributions, Protofire specializes in supercharging developer adoption and network usage.

About The Graph

The Graph is an indexing protocol for organizing and efficiently accessing data from blockchains and storage networks.

The Graph currently supports indexing data from Ethereum, POA, and IPFS, with more networks coming soon. To date, over 1,700 subgraphs have been deployed for such applications as Synthetix, Balancer, Uniswap, Gnosis, Aragon, Livepeer, Melonport, and Decentraland.

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Protofire Blog

We help token-based startups with protocol & smart contract engineering, high-performance trusted data feeds (oracles), and awesome developer tools (SDKs/APIs).