Introducing Channel Curators on Spotify and Apple powered by Proton.

Jason Wohlstadter
Proton Radio
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2021


Proton helps DJs launch ongoing mix series on Spotify and Apple Music, giving independent electronic music a major boost on streaming platforms.

Traditionally, Spotify and Apple’s in-house curators have controlled their official playlists with an iron fist, playing kingmaker for any artist or label trying to breakout on their platforms. While algorithmically generated playlists and 3rd party playlists help a bit, they can’t compete with playlists owned and operated by Spotify and Apple’s in-house curation teams. Plus, 3rd party playlists don’t earn money for their hard work.

We think it’s time for an upgrade.

In 2021, Proton is combining our DJ Mixes project and our recently launched promo pool platform to create something brand new: Channel Curators.

Here’s how it works.

Proton is handpicking artists and DJs in our community to become Channel Curators on Spotify and on Apple Music. When a DJ becomes a Channel Curator, here’s what happens:

  • The DJ gets instantly invited to the promo pool of nearly 200 participating electronic music labels.
  • Proton then helps Channel Curators launch their own ongoing mix series, featuring new music they’ve handpicked from our promo pool platform: every track in the promo pool is cleared for use in their DJ Mixes on Spotify and Apple Music.
  • Everyone earns a fair share of the streaming revenue. DJs get paid for every stream of every track in their mix. Artists and labels featured in the mix get the same payout as an unmixed play from their original release.

In exchange for access to all the upcoming/unreleased music, Channel Curators deliver multiple DJ Mixes per year to their fans and followers on Spotify and Apple Music. This helps everyone involved reach a wider audience — and earn money. A new generation of curation has arrived.

Meet the curators!

Our first wave of over 100 Channel Curators have already gotten started with their ongoing DJ Mix series, with more to be announced in the weeks ahead.

How’s it going so far?

Proton is currently the #1 provider of DJ Mixes to Spotify and Apple Music, to our knowledge. We’ve powered over 900 DJ Mixes that have generated over 16 million paid plays for participating music labels. On average, each DJ Mix is boosting plays by nearly 10%!

I run an electronic music record label. How can we get involved in Proton’s beta?

Over 2000 electronic music labels are onboard Proton’s beta. If you run a record label and would like to join the waitlist for early access, click the button below! New invites are sent weekly with more info on how to join.

I’m an artist or DJ. How can I get involved?

As a DJ, the best way to get involved is through Proton’s promo pool platform. If you’re receiving promos from music labels but they’re not powered by Proton yet, send them this article and encourage them to join.

After a label joins, they’ll be able to invite you to their promo pool on Proton. Then you’ll be able to start uploading mixes to Spotify and Apple Music.

Can I see an example?

For sure! Here’s an example from Miss Monique, our #1 DJ at the moment. The below embed is from the mix on Spotify. For Apple Music, click here.

Note: For continuous playback, listen from within the Spotify or Apple Music mobile or desktop apps. Browser apps don’t currently support gapless playback.)

Miss Monique’s 1st DJ Mix as a Channel Curator, now streaming on Spotify + on Apple Music.

